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Vitelity Voicemail Mailbox

Most of our customers have voicemail mailboxes on their own PBX systems. This page does not apply to them! This page only applies to users without a PBX that have a voicemail mailbox provided directly by Vitelity.
It is most common that Vitelity voicemail mailbox users have their voice messages delivered via e-mail. We can disable voice message transcriptions in the e-mailed messages if you wish.
Voicemail messages will automatically be removed after 30 days!

Check for Voice Messages

This is how you can check if someone left you a voicemail message:

  1. Dial 866.998.4835 from any telephone.
  2. Dial your account code when prompted. (NNNNNNNN).
  3. You will then hear Please enter your mailbox number. Dial your mailbox number (NNNN) and PIN.
  4. Follow the voice prompts to either check your voicemail, change your voicemail greeting or other option.

Change Your Voicemail Greeting

Once at the voice menu (above):

Press 0 for mailbox options. Press 1 to record your unavailable greeting.

The only greeting that will be used is your unavailable greeting.
voice/vitelity/vitelity_voicemail.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/10 12:00 (external edit)