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MailCleaner Quick Guide

Filter Errors

If you get messages that you think

  • should have been stopped by MailCleaner but they were not, please report (forward) those to
  • should not have been stopped by MailCleaner but they were, please report those to
  • should have been classified as newsletter but they were not, please report those to
  • should have been classified as phishing but they were not, please report those to
  • should have been detected as virus but they were not, please report those to
To report a message, please forward that message as an attachment to the address shown.

Quarantine Report E-Mail

The e-mailed Quarantine Report will probably be your primary interface with the MailCleaner filtering system. It includes a direct link to the web interface for newer or older messages and all other advanced tasks.
Newsletter filtering is enabled by default and can greatly assist in keeping your e-mail inbox clean. With newsletter filtering enabled, you will have to 'accept' any newsletters you always want to receive.

MailCleaner Quarantine Report

Options for Released Messages

Login to User Console

  • Most users will use their normal e-mail credentials
    • Some users will have designated MailCleaner credentials, managed separately
    • Exchange users will probably not use their full e-mail address
  • Be sure to use your primary e-mail address, not an alias
    • This may not always be exactly what you think, depending on your mail server configuration
  • Please contact us if you get stuck!

MailCleaner User Login Page

Manage Your Quarantine

MailCleaner User Quarantine

Configure Filtering and Reports

MailCleaner User Settings

Whitelist, Blacklist and Newsletter Lists

You can list full e-mail addresses or entire domains:
@spammerdomain.tld      (full top level domain)
spammerdomain.tld       (domain substring)
^sender*@*$   (limited regular expression)

There is support for a few regular expression characters including:

^ - Matches the start of the address
$ - Matches the end of the address
* - Wildcard match for anything in the middle of the address

MailCleaner White, Black and Newsletter Lists

quick_guide/mailcleaner.1688673797.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/06 14:03 by gcooper