While it appears this is a very capable Wireless Access Point, this AP comes from the factory configured as a router, with firewall and everything! Worse, it appears there is no “Simple AP” choice in QuickSet.
You must power the AP with ether1 (Interent) and you must program it via wireless or ether2.
For a simple home AP, you can default the programming (factory reset) and select No Default Configuration
, then modify and apply this simple script.
connects to LAN and PoEether2
can be used to daisy-chain another AP or device# Create a LAN bridge
/interface bridge add name=LAN
# Configure wireless security
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] supplicant-identity=MikroTik
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk mode=dynamic-keys name=Secure supplicant-identity="" \
# Configure wireless interfaces - SSIDs can be the same
/interface wireless
set [ find default-name=wlan1 ] band=2ghz-b/g/n country="united states" disabled=no mode=ap-bridge \
security-profile=Secure ssid=<Your-2GHz-Network-Name>
set [ find default-name=wlan2 ] band=5ghz-a/n/ac channel-width=20/40/80mhz-XXXX disabled=no mode=ap-bridge \
security-profile=Secure ssid=<Your-5GHz-Network-Name>
# Add all interfaces to the bridge
/interface bridge port add bridge=LAN interface=all
# Enable DHCP client so AP gets a management address
/ip dhcp-client add disabled=no interface=LAN
# Set the AP hostname
/system identity set name=<YourAPHostname>