Yealink FTP Server:
Windows DHCP Server:
Web Page:
User Guide:
Web Interface:
Yealink RPS is a free service that redirects a Yealink phone to provision itself.
The system works automatically after a vendor registers a MAC address of a new Yealink phone and assigns the proper provisioning server.
Four types of URL are supported: http, https, ftp and tftp.
Not all firmwares support RPS. When troubleshooting, suspect this first!
The firmwares downloaded by the FreePBX EPM do not support RPS as of 12/13/14.
You can get the phones to change VLANs with auto-provisioning setttings.
Configuration settings needed with phones on a separate VLAN but sharing a CAT5 cabling plant (using the switches in the phones):
network.lldp.enable = 0 network.vlan.dhcp_enable = 0 network.vlan.internet_port_vid = nnn network.vlan.internet_port_priority = 5 network.vlan.internet_port_enable = 1
LLDP may confuse the phone VLAN functionality. It did on a Zyxel GS1910-24HP switch.