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FreePBX Backup and Restore

Configure FreePBX Backup

FreePBX → Admin → Backup and Restore

  • Edit the Default Backup
  • For Status email put an email address for the person to receive emails concerning the backup.
  • Under Templates drag and drop Full Backup, System Audio and Voicemail to below the Items bar to add them to the backup.
  • Leave Backup Server at This Server as this is the server you want to back up.
  • Under Storage Servers drag and drop Local Storage (local) to Available Servers
  • To set a Backup Schedule for every night at 11pm click Custom. Hold Ctrl and select all the days of the week and all the Months of the year. Hours, select 23
  • Set Delete After to 7 to save the last 7 backups.
  • Click Save

Manually Run a Backup

You can run the backup manually at any time by clicking the run button next to the backup you want to run.

Disaster Recovery Notes

Notes from others:

The way I do it (because of all the problems I've seen with Backup and Restore over the years) is as follows:

1) Copy and paste the Trunk definitions. 2) Copy and past the Inbound and Outbound routes. 3) Use Bulk Handler (or the older Import Extensions) to copy out the current configuration.

Put these on a disk/usb/dead tree and spin up the new server.

Reproduce the Trunk definition. Copy in the Inbound and Outbound routes. Import the extensions from the Bulk Display.

  • Backup and Restore can be useful but only seems to be reliable when versions of everything are the same. Different Distro versions, different asterisk versions etc will trip it up and make a huge mess.
  • In the event you are in the situation I am in (trying to backup/restore an older system that has gone through multiple upgrades of FreePBX and such) Dave's method is far superior. There is more work for you to do but it will still save time and you come away with a clean and functioning system that you don't have to worry about.
voice/pbx/freepbx/freepbx_backup.txt · Last modified: 2017/08/06 12:06 by gcooper