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Citrix XenServer Troubleshooting

Tools for XenServer Troubleshooting:

How to Collect Diagnostic Information for XenServer:

Helpful XenServer Commands:

Kernel Panic (Hang on Boot)

Try booting with the 'Fallback' kernel and look for clues in the boot messages.

Type fallback or fallback-serial at the boot: prompt.

RAID Metadata on Disk

See also RAID Metadata Removal

:!: If you are installing to disks that previously had been used in RAID configurations, you may get a kernel panic (hang on boot).

:!: You probably won't see the kernel panic (hang on boot) until after installing SP1 (XenServer 6.2).

File System on Control Domain Full

Check disk space:

df -h | grep "/$" | head -n 1

Looking for files bigger than a given size (specify path and size):

find / -mount -type f -size +20M -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'

:!: You can pretty much ignore anything in /var/run/sr-mount/ as it's not on the local filesystem.

:!: Take special care when using wildcards with the rm command!

The first step might be to delete all files such as downloaded patches from /root:

ls -al /root
rm -rf /root/*

Delete rotated log files:

find /var/log/ -type f -name *.gz -exec rm -f {} \;

Delete applied patches:

:!: Works pool-wide if run on the pool master server.

for i in `xe patch-list --minimal|tr "," " "`;do xe patch-pool-clean uuid=$i;done

Delete 'orphaned' patches and backup patches:

:!: Do not delete /var/patch/applied or its contents.

rm /var/patch/*-*-*-*-*

For true emergencies or for patch install problems, you can delete patch backups:

rm -rf /opt/xensource/patch-backup/*-*-*-*-*

:!: On the Pool Masters, we mount an NFS backup share on /mnt/backup.

Unmount the backup share and delete any 'hidden' files:

umount /mnt/backup && rm -rf /mnt/backup/*
mount -a

XAPI Database Parsing Tools


FIXME Incomplete and needs verification

This is a procedure to fix XenTools networking issues:

  1. Remove network interface via XenCenter
  2. Uninstall all Citrix XenTools packages from Add/Remove Programs
  3. Remove Citrix from filesystem and registry
    • c:\program files\citrix
    • c:\program files (x86)\citrix
    • HKLM\Software\Citrix
  4. Run in an admin command shell
    • Stop all running XenTools services
    • sc delete xenlite
    • winmgmt /resetrepository
  5. Reboot
  6. Check things out and remove any 'ghosted' or hidden network adapters
  7. Reboot again
  8. Add network adapter
  9. Reconfigure the networking until it works properly again
  10. Reboot
  11. Reinstall XenTools
virtualization/xenserver/xenserver_troubleshoot.1479849280.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/22 14:14 by gcooper