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Citrix XenServer Troubleshooting Notes

Kernel Panic

Try booting with the 'Fallback' kernel and look for clues in the boot messages.

Type fallback or fallback-serial at the boot: prompt.

RAID Metadata on Disk

If you are installing to disks that previously had been used in RAID configurations, you may get a kernel panic (hang on boot).

In the case of Intel (integrated) RAID:

  1. Configure the SATA in the host BIOS to RAID mode
  2. Enter the RAID configuration (Control-I)
  3. Delete the RAID volumes
  4. If the RAID configuration (metadata) is 'messed up'
    1. Recreate a RAID volume
    2. Reboot and go back into the RAID configuration (Control-I) again
    3. Delete the RAID volume just created
    4. Reboot again
  5. Install XenServer normally

:!: You probably won't see the kernel panic (hang on boot) until after installing SP1 (XenServer 6.2).

File System on Control Domain Full

Check disk space:

df -h | grep "/$" | head -n 1

Looking for files bigger than a given size (specify path and size):

find / -mount -type f -size +20M -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'

:!: You can pretty much ignore anythin in /var/run/sr-mount/ as it's not on the local filesystem.

Delete rotated log files:

find /var/log/ -type f -name *.gz -exec rm -f {} \;

Delete applied patches:

:!: Works pool-wide if run on the pool master server.

for i in `xe patch-list --minimal|tr "," " "`;do xe patch-pool-clean uuid=$i;done

Delete 'orphaned' patches and backup patches:

:!: Do not delete /var/patch/applied or its contents.

rm /var/patch/*-*-*-*-*

For true emergencies or for patch install problems, you can delete patch backups:

rm -rf /opt/xensource/patch-backup/*-*-*-*-*

:!: On the Pool Masters, we mount an NFS backup share on /mnt/backup.

Unmount the backup share and delete any 'hidden' files:

umount /mnt/backup
rm -rf /mnt/backup/*
mount -a
virtualization/xenserver/xenserver_troubleshoot.1416762210.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/23 10:03 by gcooper