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Resize a XenServer VHD

:!: If the virtual disk is full, try to reclaim some disk space, possibly by deleting temp files.

:!: Shut down the VM cleanly.


  1. Shut down the VM
  2. Take a snapshot
  3. Resize the VHD in XenCenter
  4. Boot the VM
  5. Extend the volume in Windows Disk Manager


Resize the VHD

xe vm-list
xe vdi-list name-label=<vm-name>
xe vdi-resize uuid=<vdi-uid> disk-size=<new-disk-size>GiB

Extend the Filesystem


Windows Disk Manager → Select Disk → Extend


In linux, we first extend the partition then the filesystem. LVM would add a step or two…

growpart /dev/sdx 3 resize2fs /dev/sdx3

or another appropriate command for the used filesystem type.

virtualization/xenserver/xenserver_storage_resize.1739281210.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/11 06:40 by gcooper