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Ubiquiti Unifi

User Guide:

Web Site:





Unifi is a controller-based wireless networking platform:

  • Cost-effective
  • Software controller (free)
  • Various APs
    • Indoor
    • Outdoor
    • 2.4GHz and 5GHz
    • Single and dual radio
  • Controller can be local or cloud based
  • Multiple sites supported
    • Version 3.0+
  • Integrated billing system available

Controller Installation

:!: This is for a minimal Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server with 2 vCPU, 2GB RAM and a 20GGB vHD.

apt install curl haveged gpg openjdk-8-jre-headless

# This library is not in the default repos
dpkg -i ./libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb
rm -f libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb

curl | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/ubiquiti-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null

echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ubiquiti-archive-keyring.gpg] stable ubiquiti' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list > /dev/null

curl | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-org-server-3.6-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null

echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mongodb-org-server-3.6-archive-keyring.gpg] bionic/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse' | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.6.list > /dev/null

apt update && apt install -y mongodb-org-server && systemctl enable mongod && systemctl start mongod

apt install unifi -y


TCP Ports 22, 8080, 8443, 8880, 8843
UDP Ports 3478




Default Username Admin
Default Password 123456


Default Username ubnt
Default Password ubnt

Add New Site

:!: Once an AP is managed, you configure the SSH username and password for the APs using the web interface.

:!: Be aware that under Settings → Networks → Edit you will find a DHCP Server enabled.

Select the site → Settings → Site

  • Site Name
  • Country
  • Time Zone
  • Device Authentication

Select the site → Settings → Wireless Networks

  • Name/SSID
  • Enabled
  • SecurityWPA2
  • Security Key

Show/Change Passphrase

  • Log into Unifi Controller and select correct client/site
  • Bottom left select settings
  • Select Wireless Networks
  • Click Edit
  • Click in Security Key field to expose the current password

Channel Selection

RF Scan

:!: Perform as part of installation or during scheduled down-time. An RF Scan will disconnect all users.

:!: Re-provisioning after changing settings will disconnect all users.

:!: Available on newer 802.11ac APs.

Unifi Controller → Devices → <AP> → Tools → RF Environment → Scan

Guest Networks

Guest FAQ:

Guest Doc:

If Using VLANs:

Simple guest access uses single DHCP server and restricts access to Internet only.

  • To restrict bandwidth of guests, create a “Guests” User Group
    • Unifi → Settings → User Groups
    • Set bandwidth restrictions
  • Create and enable a Wireless Network
    • Unifi → Settings → Wireless Networks
    • Set SSID
    • Set Security authentication protocol to WPA Personal
    • Assign your desired Security Key
  • Tick Apply Guest Policy option
    • Restricts guest access to Internet only
  • Under Advanced Options
    • Select the User Group you created previously
    • Deselect Block LAN to WLAN Multicast and Broadcast Data to permit DHCP

:!: Click in Security Key field to expose the current password.

:!: To restrict guest access, make sure your guest/access control has the following Post-Authorization Restrictions:

Site Administrators

Add an end-user (site) administrator:

  • Unifi → <site> → Settings → Admins → Create New Admin
  • Enter Users email and Users first name (first name is used for greeting in invite email)
  • Select Role, read only or Admin
  • Click Invite

:!: End user will receive and email with a link that will allow them to select a password and login name.

Layer 3 AP Management

L3 Adoption

  1. Install AP
  2. Configure networking to controller (Internet, DHCP)
  3. Determine IP address of the AP (DHCP log)
  4. SSH into the AP
  5. Default configuration
  6. Drop into mca-cli
  7. Set inform URL to cloud controller
  8. Adopt the AP at the controller (after selecting site and configuring map)
  9. Reset the Inform URL again at the AP
  10. Controller should show the AP as Connected
gcooper@snoopy:~$ ssh -l ubnt
ubnt@'s password: 

BusyBox v1.11.2 (2013-03-22 03:26:44 PDT) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

BZ.v2.4.1# help
UniFi Command Line Interface - Ubiquiti Networks

   info                      disaplay AP information
   set-default               restore to factory default
   set-inform <inform_url>   attempt inform URL (e.g. set-inform
   upgrade <firmware_url>    upgrade firmware (e.g. upgrade
   reboot                    reboot the AP

BZ.v2.4.1# info

Model:       UniFi_AP-AC
MAC Address: dc:9f:db:fc:0e:a1
IP Address:
Uptime:      3096 seconds

Status:      Unable to resolve (http://unifi:8080/inform)

BZ.v2.4.1# restore-default

BZ.v2.4.1# mca-cli

UniFi# set-inform http://"ip or url of unifi controller":8080/inform 

Adoption request sent to 'http://"ip or url of unifi controller":8080/inform'.
1. please adopt it on the controller
2. issue the set-inform command again
3. <inform_url> will be saved after device is successfully managed

:!: Adopt the AP at the controller. Go to the site that you want the device in and click Devices. The device should show. Click the Adopt option to the right. After the device comes back online SSH and re-run the inform command.

BZ.v2.4.1# mca-cli

UniFi# set-inform http://"ip or url of unifi controller":8080/inform

Adoption request sent to 'http://"ip or url of unifi controller":8080/inform'.
1. please adopt it on the controller
2. issue the set-inform command again
3. <inform_url> will be saved after device is successfully managed

:!: After the AP is adopted at the controller, SSH into it using the same credentials specified at the controller.

:!: The password is configurable via the controller at Settings → Site → Device Password. If you change the password and click apply, it will reboot and provision the APs.

Change the inform url

  1. You must ssh into the AP. Use login/pass specified in the controller
  2. Default the AP using set-default
  3. Let the unit disconnect (it will take a few minutes) from the controller.
  4. SSH back into the AP (using ubnt ubnt for login/pass).
  5. Set inform url with set-inform. The AP will reconnect.

:!: The set-default command does not change some of the settings. A wireless uplink configured AP reconnected to the controller after changing the inform url and being disconnected from the wired connection without any reconfiguration.


SSL Certificate

Traffic Shaping

  • To impose limits on bandwidth used at the WAN interface, you should consider traffic-shaping policies at the gateway
  • Limits are applied at the UAP
  • Layer-2 traffic shaping policies can be applied for either:
    • Groups - SSID, VLAN
      • Can be applied automatically as users join a particular WLAN when configured at the WLAN itself
    • Individuals - Individual WLAN clients



If you have an AP showing as Disconnected in the console, try this:

  1. Log into the problem AP using SSH
    1. The username and password are at Unifi Controller Console → Settings → Device Authentication
  2. Issue the inform command twice in quick succession
    1. The AP will reboot and show as Connected

If wireless clients connect but do not have network access for example NLA shows unidentified:

  1. Disable the uplink connectivity monitor. (Disable this if not using wireless uplink) System → Uplink Connectivity Monitor
  2. Enable the Multicast Enhancement. WIFI → SSID → Advanced
  3. Enable Fast Roaming. WIFI → SSID → Advanced → Enable Fast Roaming
networking/wireless/unifi.1675197130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/31 13:32 by gcooper