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Metro Ethernet Notes:
Example with Wireless:
Great examples with CoS:
/interface vlan add name=vlan-10 vlan-id=10 interface=ether5 disabled=no
/interface bridge add name=br-vlan10 disabled=no
/interface bridge port add interface="vlan-10" bridge="br-vlan10" disabled=no /interface bridge port add interface="ether1" bridge="br-vlan10" disabled=no
Create vlan interfaces to the physical interface connected to the Cisco interface which in trunking mode (I don't like Ciscos naming, a trunk is bundled ports). Then if you want to have ports in the MT to be “untagged” (Cisco: access mode). create a bridge for every VLAN that you put in the Cisco “trunk”. Put the VLAN interfaces of the physical port and the ports you want to be left untagged into the bridge.
Untagged traffic on the “trunk” port is the physical interface traffic ie ether1.
Example of MT interfaces:
ether1 (this is the port connected to the Cisco “trunk” port) ether1-vl100 (VLAN interface) ether1-vl200 ether1-vl300
br-vl100 (Bridge for vlan ID 100) ether1-vl100 (VLAN interface) ether2 (physical interface untagged traffic)
br-vl200 (Bridge for vlan ID 200) ether1-vl200 (VLAN interface) ether3 (physical interface untagged traffic)
br-vl300 (Bridge for vlan ID 300) ether1-vl300 (VLAN interface) ether4 (physical interface untagged traffic) wds-1-vl300 (VLAN interface on the wds-1 interface) eoip-1 (Ethernet over IP interface in the same Layer2 network)
Summary: create VLAN interfaces in physical interfaces or WDS interfaces. create a bridge for each VLAN I hope this clarify how to do VLAN and bridging in ROS.
I'm not a writer so for you you need some references if you want to read more: … ing-in-xen … ngwire.pdf