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Mikrotik RouterOS Backup and Restore

:!: The backup function will backup and restore MAC addresses. Use the interface function Reset MAC Address to reset to the hardware MAC addresses.

:!: Restore to the same version of RouterOS the backup file was taken from.

Dissimilar Hardware

Export section by section and import one section at a time.

Automated Backup

E-Mail Settings makebackup Script

E-Mail Settings

Sending e-mail is sensitive due to security. If you have problems, be sure to send from a valid account.

# Edit Mail Settings
:local emailserverip "ip.of.mail.server";
:local emailfrom "XYZ Router <valid@fromaddress.tld>";
:local emailto "you@yourdomain.tld";
:local emailusername "validusername";
:local emailpassword "validpassword";
:local emailport "587";

/tool e-mail set from="$emailfrom" address="$emailserverip"\
   port="$emailport" start-tls=yes user="$emailusername" password="$emailpassword";

makebackup Script

# Automatic backup script
:log info "Starting Backup Script";
:local SYSname [/system identity get name];
:put "Backing up $SYSname";
/system backup save name="$SYSname";
:log info "Backup pausing for 10s";
:delay 10s;
:log info "Finished backing up configuration, sending e-mail";
/tool e-mail send to="you@yourdomain.tld" start-tls=yes subject=($SYSname . " backup") file=($SYSname . ".backup");
:log info "Backup pausing for 10s";
:delay 10s;
:log info "Removing backup file";
:put "Removing backup file";
/file remove ($SYSname . ".backup");
:log info "Finished Backup Script";
networking/router/mikrotik_backup.1603733122.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/26 11:25 by gcooper