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MTU, Jumbo Frames and Packet Fragmentation

:!: MTU issues can be caused by the extra overhead of PPPoE, VLANs, MPLS, VPLS, etc.

:!: MTU issues can cause Microsoft Exchange to not accept mail.

:!: MTU issues can interfere with SSH connections.

MTU is the maximum packet size.

MSS is the maximum data bytes carried within a packet. 1472 is fairly safe. Less than that is problematic due to fragmentation.

Connection MTU MSS Note
DSL (PPPoE) 1492 1464 PPPoE = 8 bytes, Breaks Exchange SMTP
Cable 1500 1472



The following command example tests for Jumbo Frames capability, which is usually an MTU (max transmission unit) of 9000 bytes.

We use '8972' because that plus the overhead equals 9000 (as seen in the output of the ping command).

At the Linux CLI:

ping -M do -c 1 -s 8972 <hostname or IP>
  • -M do (don't fragment)
  • -c 1 (send one packet)
  • -s 8972 (send 8972 byte packet, plus overhead)

Configure MTU


ping -f -l 8792 <hostname or IP>

MTU Discovery

These are tools which will figure out the MTU across the path between the host and the target:

  • For Windows
    • mturoute
  • For *nix
    • tracepath
    • traceroute –mtu
networking/mtu_test.1411061835.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/18 11:37 by gcooper