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Zimbra Troubleshooting Tips

Reboot the damn server:

service zimbra stop && reboot

Check Zimbra status:

service zimbra status
Be patient. Zimbra takes a long time to start up and even longer for the status in the Admin Console to correctly reflect the current status.
Probably the easiest way to avoid installation problems is to not mess with the firewall or change the SSH port before getting Zimbra tested and working.

Message Tracking

When a message enters the Postfix system [incoming or outgoing] it is immediately assigned a queue ID. Postfix/ZCS will most likely have a message leave the postfix queue for other processing: amavis, filters, etc. This will cause the message to get a new queue ID(s). This can also happen if you were to requeue your messages by doing something like: postsuper -r. You will need to note the message-id and ALL queue ID's to get the complete picture of what was happening for a particular email.

Find the Message ID in the message headers, then use it to find the associated Queue IDs:

egrep "" /var/log/zimbra.log

egrep "|225D286F6F|3C18086F7A|B590286F6F" /var/log/zimbra.log


grep DoSFilter /opt/zimbra/log/mailbox.log

grep DoSFilter /opt/zimbra/log/zmmailboxd.out

Get current values:

su - zimbra
zmprov gcf zimbraHttpThrottleSafeIPs
zmprov gcf zimbraHttpDosFilterMaxRequestsPerSec
zmprov gcf zimbraHttpDosFilterDelayMillis

Set additional safe IPs:

ZCS prior to 8.7 does not support CIDR, so you must add the IPs individually.
zmprov mcf +zimbraHttpThrottleSafeIPs
zmprov mcf +zimbraHttpThrottleSafeIPs

zmmailboxdctl restart

zmconfigd is not running

Comment out the IPv6 line:

vim /etc/hosts

#::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6


systemctl start zimbra

Root Mail

:!: It didn't seem to matter what I did with /etc/aliases.

/usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/sbin/sendmail mta /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/sendmail 25 \
    --slave /usr/bin/mailq mta-mailq /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/mailq \
    --slave /usr/bin/newaliases mta-newaliases /opt/zimbra/postfix/sbin/newaliases \
    --slave /usr/share/man/man1/mailq.1.gz mta-mailqman /opt/zimbra/postfix/man/man1/mailq.1 \
    --slave /usr/share/man/man1/newaliases.1.gz mta-newaliasesman /opt/zimbra/postfix/man/man1/newaliases.1 \
    --slave /usr/share/man/man8/sendmail.8.gz mta-sendmailman /opt/zimbra/postfix/man/man1/sendmail.1 \
    --slave /usr/share/man/man5/aliases.5.gz mta-aliasesman /opt/zimbra/postfix/share/man/man5/aliases.5 \
    --initscript zimbra
/usr/sbin/alternatives --config mta

If mail sent to root does not flow into the admin mailbox, check:

tail -30 /var/log/maillog

You may see errors like:

Nov  5 10:06:29 zimbra postfix/smtp[7400]: BCAAD18289B: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.06, delays=0.01/0.04/0/0, dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back to myself)

You can also test like this:

echo foo | /usr/sbin/sendmail -f root root && tail -f /var/log/maillog

In our default Zimbra installation, we only had one domain, but root's mail was aliased to “”. So I added an alias domain “” and an additional mail alias to admin of “”:

su - zimbra
zmprov createAliasDomain
zmprov aaa

Changed SSH Port

:!: Consider using firewall port forwarding (i.e 2222 → 22) instead of changing the SSH server on the Zimbra server.

If you changed the SSH port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you need to adjust Zimbra:

zmprov ms zimbraRemoteManagementPort 2222

Server Status

Check /var/log/zimbra.log and /var/log/zimbra-stats.log:

ll /var/log/zimbra*

Are they empty with actual logged detail in dated files? It appears that the logrotate configuration is broken…

/usr/sbin/logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.conf

Run as root:


Cron Job Errors

Use of uninitialized value $current_proto in string eq at /usr/lib64/perl5/Sys/ line 371.
Use of uninitialized value $current_proto in string eq at /usr/lib64/perl5/Sys/ line 374.
vim /usr/lib64/perl5/Sys/

my $current_proto = 0;

Mail Delivered to MTA But Not to Mailbox

If your Zimbra server only has a private IP address and is behind a NAT firewall, you may see errors in /var/log/maillog or /var/log.zimbra.log like:

postfix/lmtp ... status=deferred (connect to your.zimbra.fqdn[your.external.ip.addr]:7025: Connection refused)

:!: See this link to change the way Zimbra resolves the local IP address:

Assuming a single-server setup with a properly configured /etc/hosts file:

su - zimbra
zmprov ms your.zimbra.fqdn zimbraMtaLmtpHostLookup native
zmmtactl restart

Set Default CoS per Domain

Copy a CoS:

su - zimbra

zmprov cpc <source CoS> <new CoS>

List classes of service:

zmprov gac

Get CoS ID:

zmprov gc <CoS name>|grep zimbraId

Modify the default CoS for a domain:

zmprov md <domain.tld> zimbraDomainDefaultCOSId <your-zimbraId>
internet/mail/zimbra/zimbra_troubleshoot.1473274250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/07 12:50 by gcooper