This page could probably use a review and updating.
Zimbra IP Ports Used:
Test Your Firewall:
Make sure your Zimbra server is working well before implementing a firewall. Suspect the firewall if something stops working or isn't working properly.
Clustering requires additional ports.
This example was from an older CentOS installation.
iptables -F #Flush current rules iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT #SSH iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT #SMTP iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT #HTTP (for webmail) iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 110 -j ACCEPT #POP3 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -j ACCEPT #IMAP iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT #HTTPS iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 465 -j ACCEPT #SMTPS iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 587 -j ACCEPT #MSA (submission) iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 993 -j ACCEPT #IMAPS iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 995 -j ACCEPT #POP3S iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7071 -j ACCEPT #Port for ZCS Web Administration /etc/init.d/iptables save #Rules persist after reboot
See also ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF)
Reload or restart CSF and LFD for changes to be activated (csf -ra
RegEx Tester:
Consider these lines clipped from /var/log/mail.log
Oct 2 08:18:04 zimbra3 postfix/submission/smtpd[3670673]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure Oct 5 14:27:13 zimbra3 postfix/smtps/smtpd[3656293]: warning: unknown[]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
Add a custom RegEx to detect authentication failures (5 failures, block ports 25 and 587, for 3600 seconds/1 hour):
vim /usr/local/csf/bin/
Insert in the middle, between the comments:
if (($lgfile eq $config{CUSTOM1_LOG}) and ($line =~ /^\S+\s+\d+\s+\S+ .* postfix\/s.*\/smtpd\[\d+\]: warning: .*\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]: SASL (LOGIN|PLAIN|login) authentication failed.*/)) { return ("Failed SASL login from",$1,"mysaslmatch","5","25,587","3600"); }
Group 1 ($1) matches the offending IP address.
Now, edit the CSF configuration to tell it to monitor the proper log file for the new RegEx:
vim /etc/csf/csf.conf
CUSTOM1_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log"
This example is for Ubuntu 20.04 and Zimbra 9.
############################################################################### # Copyright 2006-2014, Way to the Web Limited # URL: # Email: ############################################################################### # The following IP addresses will be allowed through iptables. # One IP address per line. # CIDR addressing allowed with a quaded IP (e.g. # Only list IP addresses, not domain names (they will be ignored) # # Advanced port+ip filtering allowed with the following format # tcp/udp|in/out|s/d=port|s/d=ip # See readme.txt for more information # # Note: IP addressess listed in this file will NOT be ignored by lfd, so they # can still be blocked. If you do not want lfd to block an IP address you must # add it to csf.ignore # LAN network address # NFS backup server # Manually allowed # Manually allowed 49.312.33.99 # Manually allowed tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers udp|out|d=53|| # Outbound DNS query with random source port # Zimbra Zextras Docs Server tcp|in|d=389|s= # Allow LDAP from Zimbra Zextras Docs tcp|in|d=8443|s= # Allow from Zimbra Zextras Docs tcp|out|d=9980|d= # Allow to Zimbra Zextras Docs # LDAP Testing tcp|in|d=389|s= # Allow LDAP from a workstation
This example is for Ubuntu 20.04 with Zimbra 9.
These entries will minimize Process Tracking false alerts (entries for multiple Zimbra versions):
############################################################################### # Copyright 2006-2014, Way to the Web Limited # URL: # Email: ############################################################################### # The following is a list of executables (exe) command lines (cmd) and # usernames (user) that lfd process tracking will ignore. # # You must use the following format: # # exe:/full/path/to/file # user:username # cmd:command line # # Or, perl regular expression matching (regex): # # pexe:/full/path/to/file as a perl regex[*] # puser:username as a perl regex[*] # pcmd:command line as a perl regex[*] # # [*]You must remember to escape characters correctly when using regex's, e.g.: # pexe:/home/.*/public_html/cgi-bin/script\.cgi # puser:bob\d.* # pcmd:/home/.*/command\s\to\smatch\s\.pl\s.* # # It is strongly recommended that you use command line ignores very carefully # as any process can change what is reported to the OS. # # For more information see readme.txt exe:/usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/pop3d exe:/usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/imapd exe:/usr/sbin/pure-ftpd exe:/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd exe:/usr/sbin/sshd exe:/usr/sbin/proftpd exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3 exe:/usr/sbin/named exe:/usr/sbin/ntpd exe:/bin/dbus-daemon exe:/usr/sbin/ntpd exe:/usr/sbin/exim4 exe:/sbin/ntpd exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3 exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/pop3 exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-login exe:/usr/lib/postfix/sbin/error exe:/usr/lib/apt/methods/http exe:/usr/sbin/rpcbind exe:/usr/sbin/rpc.statd exe:/usr/sbin/chronyd exe:/usr/bin/lsmd exe:/usr/bin/dbus-daemon exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/smtp exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/proxymap exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/smtpd exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/postscreen exe:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/showq exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/trivial-rewrite exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/anvil exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/tlsmgr exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/qmgr exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/pickup exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/cleanup exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/bounce exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/scache cmd:/usr/bin/vmstat -n -S K 30 cmd:/usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmloggerctl status norewrite cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmconfigdctl start norewrite cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmopendkimctl status norewrite cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmstorectl status norewrite cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogger cmd:zmlogger: zmrrdfetch: server cmd:lmtp -t unix -u cmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -version cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogprocess cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog cmd:/usr/bin/python -S /usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/zimbramon/bin/sa-update -v --allowplugins --refreshmirrors cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/common/bin/sa-update -v --allowplugins --refreshmirrors cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/httpd -k start -f /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/clamd --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/clamd.conf cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-mc cmd:nginx: worker process cmd:nginx: master process /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx -c /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx.conf cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/unbound cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/mdb_stat -e /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/mdb/db cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/slapd -l LOCAL0 -u zimbra -h ldap:// ldapi:/// -F /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/saslauthd -r -a zimbra cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/opendkim -x /opt/zimbra/conf/opendkim.conf -u zimbra cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/scache cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java -version cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmhostname cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig -m nokey zimbra_server_hostname cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantispamctl status cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmilterctl status cmd:/usr/bin/redis-server cmd:/usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE cmd:(sd-pam) cmd:/usr/sbin/atd -f cmd:/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd cmd:/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd cmd:/lib/systemd/systemd --user cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmtactl status norewrite pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/auditswatch.* pcmd:sh -c /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantivirusctl.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantivirusctl.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/libexec/sa-learn.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmjava.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfi.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdailyreport.* pcmd:/bin/bash -c /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogprocess.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zxsuite backup.* pcmd:sh -c /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantispamct.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantispamct.* pcmd:/usr/bin/iostat -d -k.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -w /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstat-.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/common/bin/sa-lear.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavisd -X no_conf_file_writable_check.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/libexec/logswatch --config-file=/opt/zimbra.* pcmd:/bin/sh /opt/zimbra/common/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/opt.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/opt.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -client -Xmx256m* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -client -Xmx256m -Dzimbra.home=/opt/zimbra.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Djava.awt.headless=true.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zimbra/lib/jars.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/java/bin/java -XX:ErrorFile.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/openjdk-11.0.2-zimbra/bin/java.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/swatch --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/swatchrc.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/data/tmp/.swatch_script.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmconfigdctl .* pcmd:/bin/bash -c /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog .* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/data/tmp/.swatchdog_scrip.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/common/bin/swatchdog.* pcmd:/bin/bash -c find /opt/zimbra.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/swatchdog --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/logswatchrc.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/rotatelogs /opt/zimbra/log/httpd.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/freshclam --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/freshclam.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/keytool -export -file /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/mailboxd.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zimbra/lib/jars/zimbracommon.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -D.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/memcached -d -P /opt/zimbra/log/* pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/lmtp pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/smtpd pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/proxymap pexe:/opt/zimbra/httpd-.*/bin/rotatelogs pexe:/opt/zimbra/httpd-.*/bin/httpd pexe:/opt/zimbra/cyrus-sasl-.*/sbin/saslauthd pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/showq pexe:/opt/zimbra/unbound-.*/sbin/unbound pexe:/opt/zimbra/memcached-.*/bin/memcached pexe:/opt/zimbra/clamav-.*/sbin/clamd pexe:/opt/zimbra/openldap-.*/sbin/slapd pexe:/opt/zimbra/nginx-.*/sbin/nginx pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/smtp pexe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/smtp.* pexe:/opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/openjdk-.* pexe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/slapd.*
Use this command to compare stock and modified csf.conf
diff --unchanged-line-format= --old-line-format= --new-line-format='%L' /usr/local/csf/profiles/reset_to_defaults.conf /etc/csf/csf.conf | grep -v \#
This example is for Ubuntu 20.04 with Zimbra 9.
TESTING = "0" RESTRICT_SYSLOG = "3" TCP_IN = "20,21,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071,10000:10010,20000,24441,59000:59999" TCP_OUT = "22,25,53,80,110,113,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071,9980" UDP_IN = "53,123" UDP_OUT = "53,113,123,33434:33523" ICMP_IN_RATE = "0" IPV6 = "1" TCP6_IN = "20,21,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071,10000:10010,20000,24441,59000:59999" TCP6_OUT = "22,53,80,110,113,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071" UDP6_IN = "53,123" UDP6_OUT = "53,113,123,33434:33523" SYSLOG_CHECK = "600" DENY_IP_LIMIT = "5000" DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT = "1000" LF_IPSET = "1" STYLE_CUSTOM = "1" SMTP_ALLOWUSER = "" CONNLIMIT = "80;60,110;10,143;10,443;60,465;10,587;10,993;10,995;10" PORTFLOOD = "80;tcp;70;5,110;tcp;20;5,143;tcp;20;5,443;tcp;70;5,465;tcp;20;5,587;tcp;20;5,993;tcp;20;5,995;tcp;20;5" UDPFLOOD_ALLOWUSER = "named,zimbra" DROP_IP_LOGGING = "1" DROP_NOLOG = "67,68,111,113,135:139,445,500,513,520,5678" DROP_PF_LOGGING = "1" CONNLIMIT_LOGGING = "1" LF_PERMBLOCK_COUNT = "2" LF_PERMBLOCK_ALERT = "0" LF_NETBLOCK = "1" LF_NETBLOCK_COUNT = "2" LF_NETBLOCK_ALERT = "0" SAFECHAINUPDATE = "1" DYNDNS = "600" MM_LICENSE_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" CC_SRC = "1" CC_DENY = "RU,BY,CN,AF" CC_DENY_PORTS_TCP = "21,22,110,143,587,993,995,2222" CC_DENY_PORTS_UDP = "5060,5061,10000:20000" CC_INTERVAL = "7" LF_SELECT = "1" LF_EMAIL_ALERT = "0" LF_SSHD_PERM = "600" LF_FTPD_PERM = "600" LF_SMTPAUTH_PERM = "600" LF_POP3D = "5" LF_POP3D_PERM = "600" LF_IMAPD = "5" LF_HTACCESS_PERM = "600" LF_MODSEC_PERM = "600" LF_BIND = "100" LF_BIND_PERM = "600" LF_SUHOSIN = "5" LF_SUHOSIN_PERM = "600" LF_CXS = "1" LF_WEBMIN = "10" LF_WEBMIN_PERM = "600" LF_APACHE_404 = "100" LF_APACHE_403 = "100" LF_APACHE_401_PERM = "3600" LF_MODSECIPDB_ALERT = "0" LF_MODSECIPDB_FILE = "/var/run/modsecurity/data/ip.pag" LF_DISTATTACK = "1" LF_DISTFTP = "5" LF_DISTSMTP = "5" LT_POP3D = "65" LT_IMAPD = "100" LT_SKIPPERMBLOCK = "1" CT_LIMIT = "300" PT_USERMEM = "200" PT_USERRSS = "200" PT_APACHESTATUS = "" MESSENGER_HTTPS_CONF = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf" MESSENGER_HTTPS_KEY = "/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key" MESSENGER_HTTPS_CRT = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt" MESSENGER_HTTPS_IN = "" MESSENGER_CHILDREN = "10" MESSENGERV3LOCATION = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/" MESSENGERV3RESTART = "service httpd restart" MESSENGERV3HTTPS_CONF = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" MESSENGERV3GROUP = "apache" CLUSTER_SENDTO = ",,,,,,,," CLUSTER_RECVFROM = ",,,,,,,," CLUSTER_MASTER = "" CLUSTER_KEY = "MyLFDClusterKey" CLUSTER_CONFIG = "1" ST_SYSTEM = "0" IPTABLES = "/usr/sbin/iptables" IPTABLES_SAVE = "/usr/sbin/iptables-save" IPTABLES_RESTORE = "/usr/sbin/iptables-restore" IP6TABLES_SAVE = "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-save" IP6TABLES_RESTORE = "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-restore" MODPROBE = "/usr/sbin/modprobe" IFCONFIG = "/usr/sbin/ifconfig" SENDMAIL = "/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/sendmail" PS = "/usr/bin/ps" NETSTAT = "/usr/bin/netstat" LS = "/usr/bin/ls" TAR = "/usr/bin/tar" GUNZIP = "/usr/bin/gunzip" DD = "/usr/bin/dd" GREP = "/usr/bin/grep" IP = "/usr/sbin/ip" HTACCESS_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error_log" MODSEC_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error_log" SSHD_LOG = "/var/log/auth.log" SU_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" FTPD_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" SMTPAUTH_LOG = "/var/log/secure" POP3D_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" IMAPD_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" IPTABLES_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" SUHOSIN_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" BIND_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" SYSLOG_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" WEBMIN_LOG = "/var/log/auth.log" CUSTOM1_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" PORTS_pop3d = "25,110,143,465,587,993,995" PORTS_imapd = "25,110,143,465,587,993,995" PORTS_sshd = "22,2222" GENERIC = "1"