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Zimbra Command Line Tools

CLI Examples

Delete All Mail in a Folder

First, you might want to move all folders you want to delete, then run the following command on “/Trash”.

zmmailbox -z -m emptyFolder /foldernamelikeInbox

Delete All Mail in an Account

:!: The above command may be less dangerous to use, but may be a little more work.

:!: Lightly tested - Throws a couple of errors, but seems to work OK.

export ACCOUNT=""
for FOLDER in `zmmailbox -z -m $ACCOUNT gaf |awk '/\// {print $5}'|sort|uniq` ; do zmmailbox -z -m $ACCOUNT emptyFolder $FOLDER ; done

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internet/mail/zimbra/zimbra_cli.1501701783.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/02 13:23 by gcooper