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Moving to a New Mail Server

From a POP Server to an IMAP Server

From One IMAP Server to Another

imapcopy Notes

IMAPcopy is a small utility that will help you migrate from one IMAP e-mail message store to a another one. I generally try to use this utility from the command line of one of the servers involved in the transfer in order to minimize traffic and time. You can copy many users at once, if you wish.


IMAPCopy doesn't really require any installation.

tar -xzvf imapcopy.tar.gz
cd imapcopy


Edit the configuration file for each job:

vi  ImapCopy.cfg

Make it look like:

SourceServer <source-server>
SourcePort 143
DestServer <destination-servver>
DestPort 143

# CreateEmptyFolders

skipfolder INBOX.Trash
skipfolder INBOX.Sent
skipfolder "INBOX.Deleted Items"
skipfolder "INBOX.Sent Items"
skipfolder "INBOX.Junk E-Mail"
skipfolder Trash
skipfolder Sent
skipfolder "Sent Items"
skipfolder "Junk E-Mail"
skipfolder "Deleted Items"

DenyFlags "\Recent"

#        SrcUser       SrcPasswd           DestUser        DestPasswd
#        ==========    =============       =============   ==============
#Copy    "bar"         "barsrcpw"          "bar"           "bardestpw"
Copy     "username"    "password"          "newuser"       "newpassword"

Now verify that all users and passwords are correct:

./imapcopy -t

Then transfer the messages if all is well:


imapsync Notes

Imapsync is another tool for migrating IMAP message stores from one server to another.

  • no duplicates
  • restart failed copy
  • command line - no GUI required
  • requires Perl and various modules
  • preferably install on new mail server to minimize network transfers

Install on CentOS 6

Configure EPEL Repository

yum install imapsync --enablerepo=epel

imapsync is also available from the RPMForge repository if you already have that configured.


man imapsync
imapsync --help


Migrate from 'host1' to 'host2':

imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 old.mail.server --user1 olduser --password1 oldpassword --host2 localhost --user2 newuser --password2 newpassword
internet/mail/moving_to_new_mailserver.1334518233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/15 13:30 by gcooper