Table of Contents

Zimbra - Share Calendar

Share with Users on Same Zimbra System

Using the Zimbra Web Client (ZWC):

  1. Login to the ZWC
  2. Select the Calendar tab
  3. Right-click on the Calendar to be shared
  4. Select Share Calendar
  5. Adjust sharing settings:
    1. Share with Internal Users
    2. E-mail address of the person(s) you wish to share your calendar with
    3. Appropriate Role permissions
    4. Click OK
  6. Sharing partners will receive an e-mail message and are required to accept the share
  7. After sharing partners accept the share, that calendar will appear in their ZWC

Share in Outlook

:!: After the calendar has been shared in the ZWC, it can be shared in Outlook and not require credentials.

:!: This example is using Outlook 2016.

The first part is done in ZWC (Zimbra Web Client).

In Outlook:

The shared calendar will now show under Other Calendars in the left pane.

To make the calendar visible you need to check the box next to the shared calendar.