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Desktop and Task Bar Icons

Sometimes Desktop and Taskbar icons get 'messed up'. They go 'white'. It seems to happen mostly in environments using Roaming Profiles and Redirected Folders. Environments we use 100% of the time. :-\

Create or Repair Desktop Icons

If the shortcut icon exists and is 'messed up':

Right-click → delete the problem icon


Locate or Search for apps in the Start Menu (Metro) → right-click The app icon → Pin to Desktop

Create or Repair Task Bar Icons

I've found the Task Bar icons to be particularly flaky and the reason is not overly obvious. I think they probably work fine in simple, non-roaming profile, non-redirected folders environments.

In my case, I avoid using Task Bar icons…mostly. If I deem it 'worth it', I just delete them and recreate them when they 'flake out'.

Right-click → delete the problem icon


Run the app → right-click → pin to Task Bar