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Windows Offline Files

The Offline Files feature of Windows may be useful for portable computers, but is less useful for desktop workstation PCs. Why Microsoft enables it by default is beyond me.

Among other problems and annoyances, the Offline Files feature can cause problems where files (such as faxes or scans) don't appear in their designated shared folder in a timely fashion.

Disable Offline Files Via GPO (see also first comment)

  1. Create an “Offline Files” GPO
  2. Apply the policy to
    • Users
    • Groups
    • OU
  3. Wait at least 90 minutes (overnight) for the GPO to propagate
    • Or force an update
      • gpupdate /force
  4. Reboot the PC
  5. Test
    • gpresult

More Info

Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\System Services
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\Offline Files
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\Offline Files
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CSC /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4