Table of Contents

Zimbra - Send As

:!: Use the Zimbra Admin 'gear icon' to show options.

Send As Another User

In the Zimbra Administration console:

  1. Configure → Domains → Add a Domain Alias (if any)
  2. Manage → Accounts → Aliases → Add → Save
  3. Manage → Accounts → General → Edit Account → Delegated Authority → Address Delegation → Allow → Save

Send As a Distribution List

At your Zimbra server CLI:


To grant the right to a user account:

su - zimbra
zmprov grr dl list@example.tld usr user@example.tld sendAsDistList


To revoke the right:

su - zimbra
zmprov rvr dl list@example.tld usr user@example.tld sendAsDistList


Logged into the ZWC as the user, add the distribution list Persona:

ZWC → Preferences → Add Persona

  1. Edit the name label of the Persona
  2. Edit the From text
  3. Select the Distribution List address as the From address
  4. Click Save

User Account Preferences