Table of Contents

Max RemoteManagement - Patch Management

FIXME Incomplete notes

Site Concentrator

A site concentrator is a server designated to be the central database and downloader for patches and update, similar to a Microsoft WSUS server.

To designate a site concentrator, right-click a site in the left pane and choose edit. Then click the Site Concentrator tab.

Specify a Site Concentrator

Patches and Updates

You can select and approve patches and updates from two basic perspectives:

  1. Per-site or per-machine
  2. Per-patch or per-update

Per Category, Client or Site

Settings → Patch Management → Settings → Select a Category, Client or Site

Per Patch

You can apply certain patches to filtered groups of machines or individual machines:

Settings → Patch Management → Approval Policy

Per Machine

  1. Select the machine in the north pane
  2. Select the Patches tab in the south pane
  3. Right-click the selected patches and approve them
  4. Right-click the machine in the north pane
  5. Choose Patch Management → Install Patches