Table of Contents

Linux Mint 19.1 (Tessa)


Getting Started Video for Windows Users:

Home and Download:


  1. Unless you have a good reason, download the Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon ISO image file
  2. Scan the Release Notes, but don't memorize them
  3. Scan the Documentation to see what's available, then go to the Installation Guide
  4. In Windows, create the installer media
    1. DVD or flash drive
    2. A flash drive is faster and easier, but not enough to matter
  5. Boot the target PC with the bootable optical or flash media
    1. The install process is mostly self explanatory
    2. In general, it's definitely simpler to avoid dual-boot (Windows + Linux) by utilizing the entire disk drive
    3. Choose the 'Modern' panel layout

Software and Updates

Software Manager

  1. Click the Menu (Start) button in the lower left corner
    1. Like in Windows, just start typing to search the menu
  2. Type softw
    1. Select 'Software Manager'
  3. Search for the app you are looking for

Install Additional Drivers

:!: This is not always needed but may be important, depending on what video controller your PC has.

  1. Click the Menu (Start) button in the lower left corner
    1. Like in Windows, just start typing to search the menu
  2. Type driver
    1. Select 'Driver Manager'
    2. Enter your password (permission to modify the system)
    3. You will usually want to install the recommended drivers


  1. Click the Menu (Start) button in the lower left corner
    1. Like in Windows, just start typing to search the menu
  2. Type upd
    1. Select 'Software Updates'

Additional Software

Linux Mint 19.1 is very functional upon installation, but you may want to install additional apps.

Here are a few you might find useful:

App Function
Brasero CD/DVD Burner
KeyPassX Password Safe, Cross-Platform
Audacity Sound/Music Editor/Encoder
HandBrake Video Transcoder, DVD Ripper
Calibre E-Book Collection Manager
Pidgin Instant Messaging, Multi-Protocol
Dropbox Cloud Storage

Oracle Java

:!: OpenJDK Java is pre-installed on Linux Mint 19.1. However, you can install Oracle Java, if you need to. We don't use Java much any more, so the built-in version usually works for us.

java --version

If you need Oracle Java, you probably need a specific version. Search for it:


You must download and install a Linux app (.deb file):

System Tweaks


:!: By default, Linux Mint (and most other Linux distributions) do not enable the 'root' (superuser) account for enhanced security. By default, you execute privileged commands using 'sudo' (superuser do).

If you need to run several administrative commands, it can get tedious to keep typing 'sudo' repeatedly. This is how you can attain a root shell (command prompt) with 'sudo':

sudo -i

This is how you enable the root account, if you feel the need and accept the reduced security:

sudo passwd root

UI Tweaks

Linux Mint supports multiple 'workspaces' or virtual desktops. You switch between the workspaces with ctrl-alt-left-arrow or ctrl-alt-right-arrow.

You can also add a Workspace Switcher to the panel at the bottom of the screen:

  1. Right-click an open area of the panel
  2. Select 'Add applets to the panel'
  3. Type works
  4. Select 'Workspace Switcher'
  5. Click '+'

To connect pinned launchers to workspaces:

  1. Right-click a launcher icon on the panel (lower left)
  2. Select 'Preferences → Configure → General'
  3. Enable 'Show windows from all workspaces'

Now, when you click on a launcher button for a running app, it will also switch the workspace.


Printers are usually automatically detected and configured.

  1. Click the Menu (Start) button in the lower left corner
    1. Like in Windows, just start typing to search the menu
  2. Type printers
    1. Select 'Printers'


You can quickly take a screenshot of the entire screen just by pressing the 'Print Scrn' function key (F13).

If you want a more advanced tool, use the built-in 'Screenshot' app:

  1. Click the Menu (Start) button in the lower left corner
    1. Like in Windows, just start typing to search the menu
  2. Type screensh
    1. Select 'Screenshot'
    2. You may want to right-click it and 'Add to panel'


  1. Click the Menu (Start) button in the lower left corner
    1. Like in Windows, just start typing to search the menu
  2. Type Firew
    1. Select 'Firewall'

Run Simple Windows Apps

:!: Don't expect too much from Wine! Unless the app you want to run is very simple, like a single executable file, it probably won't work correctly!

:!: You can install wine from the Software Manager, but you might need to install multiple packages to get it to work. The following procedure installs the latest stable version.

:!: This will install many dependencies, but it can run Winbox and other tools.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
wget -nc
sudo apt-key add Release.key
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb bionic main'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable msttcorefonts

Choose Font Smoothing

Configure Font Smoothing in Windows Apps

:!: Run these commands as a regular user.






:!: Install the Extension Pack after installing Virtualbox.

Add the Virtualbox software repository:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list


deb bionic contrib

Then add the signing key and install Virtualbox and the Extension Pack:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt update
sudo apt install virtualbox-6.0
sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.0.0.vbox-extpack
rm Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.0.0.vbox-extpack

FIXME Untested on 19.1 below this point!

Dropbox Tweaks

See also Dropbox

rm -rf ~/.ssh
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Config/SSH ~/.ssh

# Documents Folder
rm -rf ~/Documents
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Documents ~/Documents

# Fonts Folder
rm -rf ~/.fonts
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Config/Fonts ~/.fonts

rm -rf ~/.purple
ln -s ~/Dropbox/Config/Pidgin ~/.purple

# Remina
rm -rf ~/.remmina
mkdir ~/.freerdp
echo "" > ~/.freerdp/known_hosts           #Fixes "Unable to connect to RDP server"
ln -sf ~/Dropbox/Config/Remmina ~/.remmina

Portable Computers (Laptops)

Enable Hibernation

sudo gedit /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/hibernate.pkla
[Re-enable hibernate by default in upower]

[Re-enable hibernate by default in logind]

Restart your PC then check to verify the Hibernate option is available in the shutdown menu and that it works properly.

Remote Access

Enable RDP access to your desktop:

sudo apt-get install xrdp tightvncserver

:!: You will need to forward TCP port 3389 to your PC.