Minimal Server Install (Centos)
cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget yum update -y reboot
yum --enablerepo=c5-testing install backuppc httpd mod_perl sudo wget rsync rpm -Uvh
vi /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf root=postmaster@yourdomain.tld mailhub=mail.yourdomain.tld:465 RewriteDomain=yourdomain.tld UseTLS=YES AuthUser=smtpuser AuthPass=smtppass
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf User backuppc Servername
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/backuppc.conf Allow from all
htpasswd -c /var/lib/backuppc/passwd/htpasswd admin
(enter password for web user 'admin' twice)
visudo Comment out 'Defaults requiretty' and add the two lines #Defaults requiretty Defaults !lecture backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD:/bin/gtar,/bin/tar
vim /etc/BackupPC/
(many edits)
service httpd start service backuppc start chkconfig httpd on chkconfig backuppc on
vi /etc/fstab /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 / ext3 defaults,noatime 1 1
Copy old BackupPC to new server:
rsync -arv /home/backuppc/* root@ reboot
useradd backuppc passwd backuppc
vi /etc/xen/appserv #disk = [ 'tap:aio:/vm/Xen/appserv.img,xvda,w', ] disk = [ 'tap:aio:/vm/Xen/appserv.img,xvda,w', 'phy:sda6,sda1,w', ]
fdisk -l
(shows no valid partition table on /dev/sda - mount it anyway)
copy backuppc user (dot) files to newly mounted space
mount /dev/sda1 /home/backuppc/
Use 'noatime' option to reduce disk writes to update the file access times:
vim /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 /home/backuppc ext3 defaults,noatime 1 2
mount -a
perl --batch \ --cgi-dir /var/www/cgi-bin/backuppc \ --data-dir /home/backuppc \ --hostname hostname.yourdomain.tld \ --html-dir /var/www/html/backuppc \ --html-dir-url /backuppc \ --install-dir /opt/backuppc yum install perl-IO-Dirent --enablerepo=rpmforge
These settings determine who can access the BackupPC web console.
htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf.d/backuppc.users admin
(-c creates file - use for first user)
htpasswd /etc/httpd/conf.d/backuppc.users username
You can configure the IP addresses/ranges from which the BackupPC Admin web pages are available by editing /etc/httpd/conf.d/backuppc.conf. Signal the web server that changes were made with:
httpd -k graceful
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/backuppc.conf Redirect permanent /backup https://hostname.yourdomain.tld/cgi-bin/backuppc/BackupPC_Admin <Directory /var/www/cgi-bin/backuppc/> AddHandler cgi-script .pl Options +ExecCGI Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from 234.234.234 AuthName "Backup Admin" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf.d/backuppc.users Require valid-user </Directory>
Added to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf just before last (Include) line:
Redirect permanent /backup https://hostname.yourdomain.tld/cgi-bin/backuppc/BackupPC_Admin
yum install perl-suidperl wget rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm yum install perl-File-RsyncP --enablerepo=rpmforge
Added to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf just before last (Include) line:
Redirect permanent /backup https://hostname.yourdomain.tld/cgi-bin/backuppc/BackupPC_Admin
$sshPath -q -x -l backuppc $host nice -n 19 /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender $argList+ $sshPath -l root $host /usr/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table -A -Q > /root/backup/mysql_backup.sql $sshPath -l root $host /usr/bin/pg_dumpall --clean -U postgres > /root/backup/postgres_backup.dump
Used on www and a variation on appserv (localhost) or anywhere more security is required
This methodology would insulate the remote host (or even localhost) from a hacked backuppc user on the BackupPC server.
Create backuppc user on remote host to be backed up.
Create SSH key files:
su -s /bin/bash backuppc # use -s to specify a shell if backuppc user has no shell # configure backuppc user with no shell for added security ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 # use a blank passphrase
Use a modified command to exchange keys:
scp ~backuppc/.ssh/ backuppc@$remote_host:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Check the password-less login to the remote host from the BackupPC server like this:
su -s /bin/bash backuppc #become backuppc user ssh -l backuppc <host_or_IP_to_be_backed_up> exit #from the remote_host exit #from the backuppc user back to root
visudo #Defaults requiretty ## Allow non-privileged user to back up backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender * ## Allow non-privileged user to back up AND restore backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/rsync --server * ## Allow non-privileged user to dump databases backuppc ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/ *
vi /usr/local/bin/ chmod 700 /usr/local/bin/
(updated) will dump both Postgresql and Mysql databases
$sshPath -l backuppc $host /usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/ $sshPath -l backuppc $host /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root -par15fal --add-locks --add-drop-table -A -Q > /opt/backuppc/sql_backup/mysql_backup.sql /usr/bin/ssh -l root bla 'mysqldump -u root -pxyz all-databases --add-locks > /var/backuppc-prepare/backup-all-databases.sql
[root@sol ~]# cat /etc/e-smith/events/pre-backup/S10mysql-delete-dumped-tables #!/bin/sh exec /bin/rm -f /home/e-smith/db/mysql/*.dump [root@sol ~]# cat /etc/e-smith/events/pre-backup/S20mysql-dump-tables #!/bin/sh status=$(/sbin/e-smith/config getprop mysqld status) if [ "$status" = "disabled" ] then echo "mysqld is disabled - no tables dumped" >&2 exit 0 fi for db in $(mysql -BNre "show databases;") do mysqldump --add-drop-table -QB "$db" -r /home/e-smith/db/mysql/"$db".dump || exit 1 done
Configure backuppc User RSA Keys on Server and on Remote Hosts Used with Sudo for Extra Security
su -s /bin/bash backuppc ssh-keygen -t rsa exit
Sonora Comm's default client configuration is for SME Server. For other Linux servers, be sure to override the shares and paths to be backed up.
Run these commands as 'root' on the BackupPC server.
su -s /bin/bash backuppc remote_host=xxxx ssh-keyscan -t rsa $remote_host >> ~backuppc/.ssh/known_hosts
Then install the BackupPC server's public key to the remote server using one of the three following equivalent commands:
If 'ssh-copy-id' tool is present:
ssh-copy-id user@$remote_host
If it is not:
scp ~/.ssh/ root@$remote_host:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
If the remote host SSH daemn listens on a non-standard SSH port (2222 in this case):
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -p 2222 root@$remote_host 'umask 077; cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
If the SSH keys have not been set up on the remote host (creating the ~/.ssh folder), do this as 'root' on the remote host:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
You can test the key exchange, as the backuppc user:
ssh -l root $remote_host exit
Using the BackupPC Hosts panel, add a host to be backed up.
Leave the DHCP flag off ('0') if the host name can be resolved. You can use the following to test name resolution if you aren't sure.
perl -e 'print(gethostbyname("") ? "ok\n" : "not found\n");'
Strategy: Exclude large directories then add them bit by bit
Break host backups into pieces rather than one large share.
option may help toochecksum-seed
optionvmstat 3 iostat
instead of rsync
(LAN ?)View currentlly running backup log:
BackupPC_zcat /var/lib/backuppc/pc/hostname.clientdomain.tld/XferLOG.z |tail
Use the PID of the rsync process to see what files are open/being processed:
lsof -p <pid>
Using this method, you can start the backup job in the background then view the resultant log file even if you disconnect and reconnect later.
At the BackupPC server, manually fire off a backup job, redirect the output to a log file, then view it:
su -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/BackupPC_dump -v -f" - backuppc > test_backup.log & tail -f test_backup.log