Table of Contents

Ahsay Backup Restore

Fastest Restore for Large Backups

For any large restore, go to the datacenter and copy the files to a portable hard drive while directly connected to the OBS backup server using the fastest drive/interface available!

Connect a large and fast portable hard drive. USB3 or eSATA is preferable.

Use rsync to copy the Ahsay backup user's home directory to the portable drive.

Linux Destination Host

Format and prepare the hard drive as EXT3.


This example command shows usage on a remote (from OBS) workstation PC using a non-standard SSH port and compression to improve speed over a WAN link:

rsync -avrz -e 'ssh -p 2222' --progress root@obs.domain.tld:/opt/obs/user/<name> /media/myusername/250GB-USB/

Omit this section for the standard SSH port 22:

-e 'ssh -p 2222'

Local (OBS)

rsync -avr --progress /opt/obs/user/<name> /mnt/250GB-USB/

Restore the Files

Use the Decrypt Files Wizard from the OBM\ACB program.

Locate the path to the files, select the $BACKUPUSERNAME\files folder and you should be able to restore from there.