Table of Contents

Ahsay Migration Notes

Migrate an Account to New Server


  1. Shut down source OBS
  2. Move user folder to temporary location
  3. Restart source OBS
  4. Shut down destination OBS
  5. Copy user folder to appropriate user home folder on new OBS
    • rsync -avzr –stats –delete –progress /opt/obs/user/backupuser root@newobs:/mnt/obs_homes_1/
  6. Restart destination OBS
  7. Shut down client services
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/obmaua stop
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/obmscheduler stop
  8. Change Ahsay Backup Server in Windows Client
    • Click on the user properties, remove the tick from 'remember password' then save and exit the client.
    • Also make sure you exit the client from the systray.
    • Now fire up the client and it'll ask for the password.
    • On this panel you can also change the backup
    • server URL by expanding the 'options' button.
  9. Delete client .obm folder (if you can't change the server in the GUI)
  10. Restart client services
  11. Log in as existing user connecting to new server


Restart ACB Services

net stop OBAScheduler
net stop OBAAutoUpdate
net stop OBACDPService

net start OBAScheduler
net start OBAAutoUpdate
net start OBACDPService

Restart OBM Services

net stop OBScheduler
net stop OBAutoUpdate
net stop OBCDPService

net start OBScheduler
net start OBAutoUpdate
net start OBCDPService