====== PBX in a Flash - Virtual Machine ====== http://nerdvittles.dreamhosters.com/pbxinaflash/vm/ ===== Tutorial ===== http://nerdvittles.com/?p=718 ===== Howto for Proxmox VE ===== [[virtualization:proxmox|Proxmox VE]] is a bare-metal hypervisor that provides [[http://wiki.openvz.org/Main_Page|OpenVZ]] containers as well as KVM full virtualization. OpenVZ is a high-performance and easy to use virtualization platform. An OpenVZ template for PIAF is available for simple installations. http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/PBX_in_a_Flash ===== Downloads ===== http://proxmox.pbxinaflash.com/ ===== Networking ===== ==== Static IP ==== For a static guest IP address, choose **Virtual Network (venet)** when creating the VM. ==== Bridged ==== If you choose a Bridged network where an IP comes from your DHCP server, you'll need to add a file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Make it look like this: DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp DHCPCLASS= ONBOOT=yes In addition, there is a problem with /etc/sysconfig/network. Edit the file using the actual hostname of your machine so that it looks like this: NETWORKING="yes" NETWORKING_IPV6=no HOSTNAME="whateveryourhostnameis" Then: service network restart