====== Resize a XenServer VHD ====== :!: If the virtual disk is full, try to reclaim some disk space, possibly by deleting temp files. :!: Shut down the VM cleanly. ===== XenCenter ===== - Shut down the VM - Take a snapshot - Resize the VHD in XenCenter - Boot the VM - Extend the volume in Windows Disk Manager ===== CLI ===== ==== Resize the VHD ==== xe vm-list xe vdi-list name-label= xe vdi-resize uuid= disk-size=GiB ==== Extend the Filesystem ==== === Windows === **Windows Disk Manager -> Select Disk -> Extend** === Linux === In linux, we first extend the partition then the filesystem. LVM would add a step or two... growpart /dev/sdx 3 resize2fs /dev/sdx3 or another appropriate command for the used filesystem type.