====== XenServer Migration Issues ====== http://searchservervirtualization.techtarget.com/tip/How-to-configure-Citrix-XenServer-live-migration http://support.citrix.com/servlet/KbServlet/download/27046-102-666250/XS-design-network_advanced.pdf http://opentodo.net/2012/10/xenserver-ha-live-migration/ ===== VM Live Migration ===== * Live migration is a free feature * No need for an additional purchase * Virtual disk of the VM being migrated has to be on shared storage * You must have installed the Xen Tools package in the VM ===== Storage Live Migration ===== :!: I haven't had much luck with storage live migration yet. http://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/products-solutions/storage-xenmotion-live-storage-migration-with-citrix-xenserver.pdf ===== Migration to a New Pool ===== See also **[[computing:linux:ssh_keys|Set Up SSH Keys]]** https://techblog.jeppson.org/2016/06/quickly-transfer-vms-xenserver-pools/ :!: In the following commands, it is **necessary to configure SSH keys** for password-less access (one direction) prior. Using these commands, VMs are transferred (actually, exported and imported) directly from one 'source pool' member, over a secure SSH connection using the Management network, to a 'destination pool' member. This process will **monopolize Management network bandwidth** for a good long while, affecting/affected by all other Management network traffic for the duration of the transfers. Exporting, then importing will **flatten (coalesce) all VHD chains** in the process...a wonderful thing. ==== Transfer a VM from One Pool to Another ==== :!: VMs must be **shut down** before transferring with these commands. :!: Add ''sr-uuid='' to ''vm-import'' to specify the **destination SR**. Alternately, just set the desired destination SR as the pool Default SR using XenCenter. CLI example, as ''root'' at the 'sender' console: xe vm-export uuid= filename= | ssh root@ xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin ==== Transfer Two VMs from One Pool to Another ==== xe vm-export uuid= filename= | ssh root@ xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin && xe vm-export uuid= filename= | ssh root@ xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin ==== Transfer a Template and a VM from One Pool to Another ==== xe template-export template-uuid= filename= | ssh root@ xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin && xe vm-export uuid= filename= | ssh root@ xe vm-import filename=/dev/stdin ===== Export/Import to/from Mounted Storage ===== xe vm-export vm="Name of VM" filename="/mount/point/Name Of VM.xva" xe vm-import filename="/mount/point/Name Of VM.ova" sr-uuid= host-username=root host-password=>password of xenserver>