====== Using the Zimbra Search Feature ====== Many other **Zimbra support pages in this wiki**: https://www.sonoracomm.com/wiki/doku.php?do=search&id=zimbra One of our **favorite features of Zimbra** is the **excellent server-side search functionality**. While we, as admins, appreciate Zimbra's search functionality, we have noticed that many users **under-utilize** or even **never use** the search feature. As support providers, we have had many **tech support queries that could have easily been made unnecessary** if the user had used the search feature before calling. Here are a couple of **easy reference links** showing the **simplicity and power of the Zimbra search feature**: **Official Zimbra Blog Page**: https://blog.zimbra.com/2016/06/know-zimbra-search-awesome/ **Official Search Video**: https://youtu.be/lf0fIIJRHaQ?list=PL-n95mpBtP2aTuaC9_j9KJown6KxgMy-g