====== Reset Windows Networking ====== ===== Reset Wireless Profile ===== :!: Fix for wireless profile that is broken/duplicated and cannot be deleted. * Open an Administrative Command Prompt. Display wireless profiles. netsh wlan show profiles * Delete wireless profile. netsh wlan delete profile name="network" :!: If REALLY broken above will give **Element not found**. Fix below. * Logged in as local admin browse to: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Wlansvc\Profiles\Interfaces\{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\{Random-GUID} * With each file right click -> Edit to open each of these profiles in Microsoft Word or Wordpad to confirm that they were the problem SSID * Upon confirmation of SSID deleted the files. * Reboot * Recreate delted wireless profile. ===== Reset All IP Networking ===== http://www.hanselman.com/blog/TheNuclearOptionResettingTheCrapOutOfYourNetworkAdaptersInVista.aspx :!: Tested on Windows 7 Pro. netsh int ip reset netsh winsock reset catalog shutdown -r -t 0