====== How to Change Current Network Location Profile ====== http://blogs.msmvps.com/russel/2013/12/29/set-network-location-to-private-in-windows-8-1server-2012-r2/ http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/71408-unidentified-networks-set-private-public.html http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/43629-network-location-set-home-work-public-network.html http://olavtvedt.blogspot.com/2013/10/unidentified-network-problems.html http://www.pdconsec.net/windows-2012-unidentified-network-at-boot.aspx http://blog.mpecsinc.ca/2013/08/server-2012unidentified-network-with.html If you have problems with the Windows Firewall selecting **Private instead of Domain Profile**, try **restarting the NLA service**. Also try setting the NLA service to ''Automatic (Delayed Start)''. ===== Registry ===== The registry key path to a Windows computer’s network profiles (wired and wireless): ''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles'' :!: The **Domain** connection type also needs the **Managed** value set to ''1'' and the the **NameType** set to ''6''. The **Category** value sets type of connection: 0 = Public (sharing disabled) 1 = Private (home, sharing enabled) 2 = Domain (AD, sharing enabled) ===== How NLA Works ===== http://blogs.technet.com/b/networking/archive/2010/09/08/network-location-awareness-nla-and-how-it-relates-to-windows-firewall-profiles.aspx The ''DomainAuthenticated'' category is set automatically. If you need to change from Private to ''DomainAuthenticated'', try rebooting the server. If rebooting is problematic, you might try **disabling, then re-enabling the network interface** in question. ===== In PowerShell ===== Get-NetConnectionProfile Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceIndex 18 -NetworkCategory Private or perhaps: Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias * -NetworkCategory Private ===== In the GUI ===== :!: You can also see these settings in ''gpedit.msc''. Run ''secpol.msc''. Restore **Unidentified Networks** to: * Default Not Configured * Private (Work) * Public ===== Bonded Connections (NIC Teams) ===== Set the Network Location Awareness service to ''Automatic (Delayed Start)''.