====== Active Directory Password Management ====== ===== Password Complexity for Windows Server 2008 R2 ===== ==== Edit Domain Policy ==== - Run ''gpmc.msc'' (Group Policy Management) - Expand **Forest** - Expand **Domains** - Expand your **Domain** - Expand **Group Policy Objects** - Right-click **Default Domain Policy** (or your desired policy object) and choose **Edit** - Select the **Settings** tab - Then browse to **Computer Configurations -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Account Policies -> Password Policy** - Edit the settings or disable **Password Complexity** ===== Testing Authentication ===== Here is a quick and simple function which authenticates a user to AD at the PowerShell command line: Function Test-ADAuthentication { param($username,$password) (new-object directoryservices.directoryentry "",$username,$password).psbase.name -ne $null } PS C:\> Test-ADAuthentication "dom\myusername" "mypassword" True ===== Tools ===== http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/articles/bulk_ad_users_beta_testing.aspx http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/articles/password_control_2.5_betatesting.aspx Forums: http://www.wisesoft.co.uk/forum/forum1-password-control.aspx Tools from WiseSoft help when manipulating multiple users, as during a new installation or cutover.