====== Mikrotik IPSec Site to Site VPN ======
:!: **Important note**: You **must** allow the IPSec traffic through your firewall for a connection to be established. See Firewall section below.
===== Both Ends with Static IPs =====
**Diagram**: http://gregsowell.com/?p=787
**Video for Diagram**: http://gregsowell.com/wink/mtklan2lan/mtklan2lan.swf
**From the Mikrotik Wiki**: http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/IPsec#Site_to_Site_IpSec_Tunnel
{{ :networking:router:site-to-site-ipsec-example.png?nolink |Sample Site-to-Site Configuration Diagram}}
==== IPSec Components ====
On each Mikrotik router:
* Peer Definition and Authentication Identity
* Phase 1
* Policy Definition
* Phase 2
* Proposal
* Settings used in Phase 2
* Cisco Transform Set
* Default proposal and default profile in your identity will result in ''SHA1-AES-CBC'' with 128-bit encryption
* Very fast but less secure than ''SHA256-AES-CBC'' with 256-bit encryption
* Many Mikrotik routers support hardware acceleration of ''SHA256-AES-CBC'' with 256-bit encryption
* NAT Bypass Rule
* S2S traffic won't pass until done
==== Variables for Both Routers ====
Modify these for your networks and paste them at the CLI of both routers:
:!: Note that older ROS had the default proposal with ''3DES'' encryption while newer versions have ''AES''.
:!: You need to use ''SHA1'' or ''SHA256'' with ''AES-CBC'' to take advantage of **hardware encryption** in most Mikrotik routers. https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:IP/IPsec#Hardware_acceleration
:!: Note that we use /32 instead of the actual subnet mask of the WAN interfaces for simplicity and security. Use the proper subnet masks for the subnets behind the routers.
:global Site1Name "YourSite1Name"
:global Router1WanAddr ""
:global Router1WanCidr ""
:global SubnetBehindRouter1 ""
:global Site2Name "YourSite2Name"
:global Router2WanAddr ""
:global Router2WanCidr ""
:global SubnetBehindRouter2 ""
:global PreSharedKey "YourPreSharedKey"
==== Router 1 (Left; Core) ====
Paste this into the CLI of router 1:
# Peer Definition
/ip ipsec peer
add address=$Router2WanCidr name=$Site2Name profile=default
# Peer Identity
/ip ipsec identity
add peer=$Site2Name secret=$PreSharedKey
# Policy Definition
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address=$SubnetBehindRouter2 sa-dst-address=$Router2WanAddr sa-src-address=$Router1WanAddr \
src-address=$SubnetBehindRouter1 peer=$Site2Name tunnel=yes
# NAT bypass rule
/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat action=accept comment="NAT Bypass for $Site2Name VPN" place-before=0 \
src-address=$SubnetBehindRouter1 dst-address=$SubnetBehindRouter2
# Cleanup
/system script environment
remove Site1Name
remove Router1WanAddr
remove Router1WanCidr
remove SubnetBehindRouter1
remove Site2Name
remove Router2WanAddr
remove Router2WanCidr
remove SubnetBehindRouter2
==== Router 2 (Right; CPE) ====
Paste this into the CLI of router 2:
# Peer Definition
/ip ipsec peer
add address=$Router1WanCidr name=$Site1Name profile=default
# Peer Identity
/ip ipsec identity
add peer=$Site1Name secret=$PreSharedKey
# Policy Definition
/ip ipsec policy
add dst-address=$SubnetBehindRouter1 sa-dst-address=$Router1WanAddr sa-src-address=$Router2WanAddr \
src-address=$SubnetBehindRouter2 peer=$Site1Name tunnel=yes
# NAT bypass rule
/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat action=accept comment="NAT Bypass for $Site1Name VPN" place-before=0 \
src-address=$SubnetBehindRouter2 dst-address=$SubnetBehindRouter1
# Cleanup
/system script environment
remove Site1Name
remove Router1WanAddr
remove Router1WanCidr
remove SubnetBehindRouter1
remove Site2Name
remove Router2WanAddr
remove Router2WanCidr
remove SubnetBehindRouter2
:!: Try to bring up the tunnel by pinging a host (IP) from one LAN subnet to the other. You must send traffic **through** the tunnel for it to be established.
:!: **Important note**: While the router will properly route traffic **between the LANs** at this point, the router itself does not have a route to the remote subnet. If you need the router itself (i.e. netwatch, etc.) to be able to access the remote subnet, you will have to add a route:
/ip route add disabled=no dst-address= gateway=
For example where the remote subnet is '''' and the local LAN interface is ''bridge1'':
/ip route add disabled=no dst-address= gateway=bridge1
===== One Side with Dynamic IP =====
To convert a S2S VPN connection from **two-sides-static** to **one-side-dynamic**:
* Modify the (dynamic IP) peer definition on the router with static WAN IP:
* Set the IP address to ''''
* Select ''Passive''
* Deselect ''Send INITIAL_CONTACT''
* Responder
* Modify the (static IP) peer definition on the router with dynamic WAN IP:
* Set the IP address to the static WAN IP address of the other router
* Deselect ''Passive''
* Select ''Send INITIAL_CONTACT''
* Initiator
==== Router with Static IP ====
:!: In this example, this router has two LAN subnets behind it.
/ip ipsec peer
add name=peername passive=yes
/ip ipsec identity
add peer=peername secret=yourpresharedkey
/ip ipsec policy
set 0 disabled=yes
add comment="Destination and Source LAN Subnets" dst-address= peer=peername src-address=\ tunnel=yes
add comment="Additional LAN Subnet Behind This Router" dst-address= peer=peername src-address=\ tunnel=yes
==== Router with Dynamic IP ====
:!: This router has a single LAN subnet behind it.
/ip ipsec peer
add address= name=peer-with-static-ip-name
/ip ipsec identity
add peer=peer-with-static-ip-name secret=yourpresharedkey
/ip ipsec policy
set 0 disabled=yes
add dst-address= peer=peer-with-static-ip-name src-address= tunnel=yes
add dst-address= peer=peer-with-static-ip-name src-address= tunnel=yes
FIXME The rest of this section needs verification
On the router with a dynamic address, add the following script to update the VPN policy:
add name=update_ipsec_pol_dyn_ip policy=read,write,test \
source="# Script to update the IPSec policies in case of a dynamic IP address change\r\
\n:log info \"Running IPSec policy update script for dynamic IP change\"\r\
\n:log info \"WAN interface is ether1\"\
\n:local WANip [/ip address get [find interface=\"ether1\"] address]\
\n:log info \"Interface IP is \$WANip\"\
\n:local WANip [:pick \"\$WANip\" 0 ([:len \$WANip] - 3)]\
\n:log info \"IP sans the slash notation is \$WANip\"\
\n/ip ipsec policy set 0 sa-src-address=\$WANip\
\n# If you have multiple policies for the same connection, add more lines\
\n# You might need this if you have multiple IP subnets behind the remote peer\
\n/ip ipsec policy set 1 sa-src-address=\$WANip"
===== VPN Status =====
Check status:
/ip ipsec remote-peers print
/ip ipsec installed-sa print
/ip ipsec statistics print
/ip ipsec policy print stats
===== Multiple Subnets Behind Routers =====
- Add an **additional policy** for the additional subnet to **both routers** similar to the first.
- Additionally, you must add an **additional NAT bypass rule** to **both routers**.
===== Close All IPsec Connections =====
/ip ipsec remote-peers kill-connections
:!: The tunnel will not necessarily come up on its own. Traffic destined for the remote network will bring the tunnel up automatically.
===== Troubleshooting =====
==== Logging ====
**System -> Logging -> Add -> Topics -> IPSec -> Memory**
===== Firewall =====
**IPSec Firewall Rules**: https://jcutrer.com/howto/networking/mikrotik/firewall-ruleset-ipsec-whitelisting
**L2TP/IPSec** uses:
* TCP port 1701
* L2TP
* UDP port 500
* Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
* To negotiate security method (password, certificate, kerberos)
* AH (Protocol ID 50)
* Authentication Header
* ESP (Protocol ID 51)
* Encapsulated Secure Payload
* UDP Port 4500
* NAT Traversal (NAT-T)
Accept L2TP/IPSec:
:!: These rules could be further limited by interface and/or source address.
/ip firewall filter
add chain=input action=accept in-interface=ether1 protocol=tcp dst-port=1701 \
place-before=0 comment="Accept L2TP"
add chain=input action=accept in-interface=ether1 protocol=udp dst-port=500 \
place-before=0 comment="Accept IPSec (ISAKMP)"
add chain=input action=accept in-interface=ether1 protocol=ipsec-esp \
place-before=0 comment="Accept IPSec (ESP)"
add chain=input action=accept in-interface=ether1 protocol=ipsec-ah \
place-before=0 comment="Accept IPSec (AH)"