====== Testing Mikrotik Routers ======
See also **[[networking:network_testing|Network Testing]]**
See also **[[networking:mtu_test|Testing MTU, Jumbo Frames and Packet Fragmentation]]**
===== Performance Testing =====
===== Bandwidth Testing =====
* TCP testing has TCP overhead
* About 10%
* UDP testing is closer to real maximum
* Set MTU to the maximum allowed by links
* Probably 1500+
* Don't test on a production router
* Unless you understand that network traffic and test results may be negatively impacted
* To test the real throughput of a router, you should run bandwidth test through it not from or to it
==== Server Side ====
View status:
/tool bandwidth-server print
/tool bandwidth-server session print
To enable bandwidth-test server without client authentication:
/tool bandwidth-server set enabled=yes authenticate=no
==== Client Side ====
An example to run a 15-second bandwidth-test:
* To a router (server) at
* Sending and receiving 1000-byte UDP packets
* Using username admin to connect
/tool bandwidth-test duration=15s direction=both size=1000 protocol=udp user=admin