====== Bonding Interfaces with MikroTik ====== http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Interface/Bonding :!: Also called link aggregation /interface bonding add comment="Bonded interface between X router and Y switch" \ mode=802.3ad name=name-of-bond slaves= ether11,ether12 ===== With Cisco Switches ===== http://blog.bravi.org/?p=343 :!: Cisco calls bonded interfaces EtherChannel ==== RouterOS ==== /interface bonding add slaves=ether11,ether12 mode=802.3ad lacp-rate=30secs link-monitoring=mii \ name=rtr-01_sw-1g-01_bond ==== Cisco IOS ==== ! interface range gigabitEthernet 1/47-48 channel-protocol lacp channel-group 1 mode active ! interface port-channel 1 description rtr-01_sw-1g-01_bond switchport switchport mode access swichport access vlan XX ! === Check Status === show lacp internal