====== MikroTik ======
See also **[[https://www.sonoracomm.com/wiki/doku.php?do=search&id=mikrotik|other Mikrotik pages in this wiki]]**
See also **[[sonora:sc_mikrotik_script|Sonora Comm Default MikroTik Configuration Script]]**
See also **[[networking:router:mikrotik_failover|Mikrotik Failover to a Second Internet Connection]]**
**Mikrotik offers a lot of value**:
* Inexpensive router hardware
* Inexpensive wireless hardware
* Inexpensive router OS
* Multi-platform support
* Including x86
* Convenient configuration tools:
* Command line (most convenient)
* Winbox for Windows (don't need to know IP address)
* Webfig web interface
===== Configurators =====
**Firewall Configurator**: QoS Configurator: http://mikrotikconfig.com/firewall/
**QoS Configurator**: http://mikrotikconfig.com/qos/
**Load Balance Configurator**: http://mikrotikconfig.com/loadBalance2WANs/
**Load Balance Configurator**: http://mikrotikconfig.com/loadBalance3WANs/
===== Third Party Products =====
===== Distributors =====
===== Upgrading =====
===== Safe Mode =====
**Enter Safe Mode:** ''[CTRL]+[X]''
**Save Changes and Exit:** ''[CTRL]+[X]'' again
**Exit Without Saving:** ''[CTRL]+[D]''
Safe mode can be used to minimize the risk of losing contact with the router while performing configuration changes.
* Safe mode is entered by pressing [CTRL]+[X]
* To save changes and quit safe mode, press [CTRL]+[X] again
* To exit without saving the made changes, hit [CTRL]+[D]
* All configuration changes that are made in safe mode are automatically undone if safe mode session terminates abnormally
===== Backup and Restore =====
==== Command Line ====
/system backup load name=[filename]
/system backup save name=[filename]
You can also ''export'' or ''import'' the configuration to the console or to a file.
* If you are not at the root of the configuration system, it will only export the section you are in
* If you ''export compact'', it will only export the settings that are not default
* If you specify a file, you can download the file using the web interface
* If you don't specify a file, it will dump to the console
* ''export compact'' is the default behavior from V6 on
export compact file=mikrotik_config_backup
===== Configuration =====
:!: Winbox runs well under Wine on Linux.
==== Default Configurations and Useful Command Line Examples ====
==== Reset to Defaults ====
=== CLI ===
/system reset-configuration
/system reset-configuration no-defaults=yes
=== Reset Button ===
The reset button has three functions.
Hold the button, then apply power.
Depending on when you release the button, it will do these things:
* release immediately (0-5 seconds) after starting the device to load backup bootloader
* release when user LED starts to flash to reset RouterOS (5-10 seconds)
* release after user LED stops flashing to start Etherboot (Netinstall) mode (10+ seconds)
Link how to use Netinstall: http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Netinstall
==== First Login ====
:!: Changing the LAN interface and DHCP pool probably requires a reboot!
* Default login name is **admin** and **blank password**.
* The default IP address is **** on **ether1**.
* You can use the Winbox (Windows) utility to configure the unit by MAC address even if you don't know the IP address.
* Most models have a useful default configuration, however the rackmount models just have the IP address configured.
==== Set Password ====
**System -> Users -> Double-Click 'admin' -> Password**
==== WAN Interface ====
=== Dynamic Address ===
**IP -> DHCP Client -> Add New -> ether1**
=== Static Address ===
**IP -> DHCP Client -> Delete if exists
IP -> Addresses -> Add New**
==== NAT ====
**IP -> Firewall -> NAT -> Add New**
* Enabled
* Chain should be ''srcnat''
* Out. Interface should be set to WAN interface (ether1)
* Action should be set to ''masquerade''
=== DMZ ===
This is like the DMZ feature of other router/firewall devices:
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address= action=dst-nat to-addresses=
==== Default Gateway ====
**IP -> Routes -> Add New**
* Enabled
* Dst. Address should be ''''
* Gateway (+) should be your WAN gateway address
* Comment ''Default Route''
==== Name Resolution ====
**IP -> DNS -> Add New**
==== Time ====
**SNTP Client -> Primary ->
SNTP Client -> Secondary ->**
**Clock -> Time Zone Name -> America/Phoenix**
==== Interfaces ====
Interfaces can be:
* Individual
* Bridged
* Switched (Slaved)
=== WAN Interfaces ===
**IP -> Addresses -> Add New -> Use Ether1 as WAN
IP -> Addresses -> Add New -> Use Ether2 if WAN2 is needed**
=== LAN Interfaces ===
* To see if an interface is switched (slaved), look for ''Master Port'' setting in interface details
* On smaller routers, LAN ports are typically configured as a switch (ether2 as master + slaves)
* For bridging, create a bridge interface, then assign ports to it
* Only single or master (switch) ports can be added to a bridge; slaved ports cannot
**IP -> Addresses -> Add New -> Use others as LAN**
==== Wireless ====
* Check if Ethernet LAN interfaces are switched, bridged or if they are separate ports
* Smaller routers have LAN interfaces and wireless bridged together
* Apply an appropriate security profile for wireless network security
=== Wireless Channels ===
:!: The scan feature cannot be run if you are connected wirelessly
* The default channel is channel 1 (2412 MHz)
* Click on ''Advanced'' and set the country to ''United States''
* Ideally, you will select a channel of 5-10 (2432-2457 MHz) and select HT (wide channels)
* The scan feature shows other, possibly competing wireless networks
=== Bridged ===
* Router must have have level 4 or higher license
* Bridged LAN interface must exist
* Wireless interface mode is set to ''ap-bridge''
* If set to ''bridge'', only one client (station) will be able to connect to the router using wireless
=== Wireless Security ===
**Wireless -> Security Profiles -> Add New**
* Mode
* ''Dynamic Keys''
* Select ''WPA'' and ''WPA2''
* Unicast and Group Ciphers
* Select ''AES CCM''
* WPA and WPA2 pre-shared keys
* Should each be different :?:
* Turn blue when sufficient length
==== DHCP Server ====
:!: If you have any problems with the DHCP server (maybe it didn't hand out a gateway address?), try deleting all existing pools and all existing DHCP servers, then run the **DHCP Setup Wizard**. In fact, this is probably the fastest, easiest way to configure the DHCP server in most all cases.
**IP -> DHCP Server -> DHCP -> DHCP Setup**
/ip dhcp-server setup
/ip dns set allow-remote-requests=yes
=== Manual DHCP Server Configuration ===
Create the address pool first:
**IP -> Pool -> Add New**
* Addresses: ''''
Add the DHCP server:
**IP -> DHCP Server -> Add New**
* Use mostly defaults
* Interface: ''ether2''
* Assign the pool just created
* Also configure caching DNS for DHCP clients
This will also create a caching DNS server for use by DHCP clients:
**IP -> DNS -> Settings -> Click (+) twice then enter two DNS server
IPs -> DNS -> Settings -> Allow Remote Requests**
==== Port Forwarding (Destination NAT) ====
* If change of port is not required,then to-ports can be left unset
* UPnP is available if dynamic port forwarding is desired
**IP -> Firewall -> NAT -> Add New**
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address= protocol=tcp dst-port= \
action=dst-nat to-address= to-ports=
==== Remote Management ====
**IP -> Services -> www**
* Port: 81
* Available From: (+)
===== Firewall =====
/ ip firewall filter
add chain=input connection-state=established comment="Accept established connections"
add chain=input connection-state=related comment="Accept related connections"
add chain=input connection-state=invalid action=drop comment="Drop invalid connections"
add chain=input protocol=udp action=accept comment="Allow all UDP" disabled=no
add chain=input protocol=icmp limit=50/5s,2 comment="Allow limited ICMP"
add chain=input protocol=icmp action=drop comment="Drop excess ICMP"
add chain=input in-interface=ether2 src-address= comment="From our LAN" action=accept
add chain=input action=log log-prefix="DROP INPUT" comment="Log everything else"
add chain=input action=drop comment="Drop everything else"
===== Dynamic DNS =====
===== Scripts =====
===== Serial Port =====
==== Serial Console ====
The Serial Console feature is for configuring the router.
* Enabled by default
* 115200,8,N,1
* No flow control
* Requires null-modem cable
:!: If choosing a USB serial adapter, choose one with a FTDI chipset such as this one:
:!: When choosing a serial terminal program, you can use Putty:
**System -> Console
System -> Ports**
/system console print
/port print detail
==== Serial Terminal ====
* The Serial Terminal feature is for connecting to other devices