====== Zabbix NMS Host ====== See also **[[networking:monitoring:zabbix]]** **Home**: http://www.zabbix.com/ **Downloads**: http://www.zabbix.com/download.php **Documentation**: https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/installation/requirements **Wiki**: http://www.zabbix.org/wiki **Forums**: https://www.zabbix.com/forum/ **HowTo - Server**: http://tecadmin.net/install-zabbix-on-ubuntu/ **HowTo - Agent**: http://tecadmin.net/install-zabbix-agent-on-centos-rhel/ ===== Add a Host to Monitor ===== http://tecadmin.net/add-host-zabbix-server-monitor/ https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/config/hosts/host ===== Customize Trigger ===== https://www.zabbix.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19921 Use Case: You have a monitored device on a circuit that is having issues. Rather than have constant alerts due to packet loss etc. modify the alert to minimize the churning until the circuit can be stabilized then return to the stock template. * Clone the template with the problem alert. Use "Full Clone" to take advantage of the previous configuration. Rename appropriately to appear next to original in template list. * Remove original template and attach new cloned template. Clone Template - Configuration -> Templates - Click on Template with problem Trigger - Click ''Full Clone'' - Append text to name to be descriptive and list next to original Remove Template and replace with clone - Configuration -> Hosts -> Templates - Click ''Unlink'' - Type the name of the new clone template in the ''Link new templates'' field and click the template - Click ''Add'' - Click ''Update'' https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/config/templates/template Create/Clone the problem alert in the cloned template then modify for appropriate level :!: IE: Circuit is flaky, you know it and fix is down the road. "Response time is too high" alert is set to trigger if over 200ms for 10 minutes and triggers several times a day. Modify for 400ms and then when an alerts is sent there could be something to investigate. - Configuration -> Host -> Triggers (on problem host) - Disable "Problem Trigger" -> Click Problem Trigger Click ''Clone'' - Rename Problem Trigger -> Edit expression and Description Click ''Add'' - Enable new Trigger ==== Trigger Dependencies ==== https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/2.4/manual/config/triggers/dependencies Sometimes the availability of one host depends on another. A server that is behind some router will become unreachable if the router goes down. With triggers configured for both, you might get notifications about two hosts down - while only the router was the guilty party.