====== Zimbra - Send As ====== https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Ajcody-How-To-Setup-sendAs-Right-And-Persona-For-Internal-Users :!: Use the Zimbra Admin '**gear icon**' to show options. ===== Send As Another User ===== In the Zimbra Administration console: - **Configure -> Domains -> Add a Domain Alias** (if any) - **Manage -> Accounts -> Aliases -> Add -> Save** - **Manage -> Accounts -> General -> Edit Account -> Delegated Authority -> Address Delegation -> Allow -> Save** ===== Send As a Distribution List ===== At your Zimbra server CLI: ==== Grant ==== To grant the right to a user account: su - zimbra zmprov grr dl list@example.tld usr user@example.tld sendAsDistList ==== Revoke ==== To revoke the right: su - zimbra zmprov rvr dl list@example.tld usr user@example.tld sendAsDistList ==== Persona ==== Logged into the ZWC **as the user**, add the distribution list Persona: **ZWC -> Preferences -> Add Persona** - Edit the name label of the Persona - Edit the ''From'' text - Select the Distribution List address as the ''From'' address - Click ''Save'' User Account Preferences