====== Zimbra Password Policy ====== FIXME Incomplete and unested. ===== Last Change Dates ===== Determine the last time users changed their passwords: su - zimbra zmprov sa -v "mail=*@example.tld" | egrep '^mail:|zimbraPasswordModifiedTime:|^$' | grep -v '^$\|^\s*\#' ===== Zimbra Admin Console ===== **Configure -> Class of Service -> -> Advanced -> Password** ===== CLI ===== :!: This will even work to set the same password, or override a policy limitation. List all administrators: su - zimbra zmprov gaaa Set a password: su - zimbra zmprov sp :!: It may also work to just use ''admin'' instead of an e-mail address. ===== Zmauditswatch ===== https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Zmauditswatch zmlocalconfig | grep swatch zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_swatch_notice_user=admin@domain.com zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_swatch_ipacct_threshold=10 zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_swatch_acct_threshold=15 zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_swatch_ip_threshold=20 zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_swatch_total_threshold=60 zmlocalconfig -e zimbra_swatch_threshold_seconds=3600 zmauditswatchctl start | stop | status :!: For service **auto-start**, follow the wiki link above. I had to use the old style ''initd'' method. chkconfig --add zmauditswatch chkconfig --list service zmauditswatch start | stop | status ===== Expiring Passwords Notification ===== **Original**: https://github.com/wuxmedia/Zimbra_passpoll cd /opt/zimbra wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wuxmedia/Zimbra_passpoll/master/passpoll.sh chown zimbra.zimbra passpoll.sh chmod +x passpoll.sh su - zimbra vi passpoll.sh Modify **at least**: FROM="admin@yourdomain.tld" ADMIN_RECIPIENT="admin@yourdomain.tld" SENDMAIL=$(ionice -c3 find /opt/zimbra/common/sbin -type f -iname sendmail) Modify the ''zimbra'' user crontab to run the script daily: crontab -e Append at the bottom: # Password Expiration Notifications 0 8 * * * /opt/zimbra/passpoll.sh > /tmp/passpoll.log ==== Modified passpoll.sh ==== This script has been **modified from the original** in several ways, including: * **Number of user notifications** * Four including final on last day * **Content of user notifications** * Instructions to change password * Zimbra URL * **Content of admin notifications** * Include log * **Daily expired password notifications** #!/bin/bash # TDH 2015-04-27 # Messy script for zimbra password expiry email notification. # Meant to be performed as daily cronjob run as zimbra user. # redirect output to a file to get a 'log file' of sorts. # Start in tmp folder to eliminate permissions warnings cd /tmp # Time taken of script; echo "Started on: $(date)" # Set some vars: # Notifications in days, then last warning. Don't use 1 as it's assumed. FIRST="10" SECOND="5" LAST="3" # Sent from: FROM="admin@yourdomain.tld" # Domain to check, e.g. 'example.com'; leave blank for all DOMAIN="" # Recipient who should receive an email with all expired accounts ADMIN_RECIPIENT="admin@yourdomain.tld" # URL for your Zimbra in message body URL="https://zimbra.yourdomain.tld" # Sendmail executable SENDMAIL=$(ionice -c3 find /opt/zimbra/common/sbin -type f -iname sendmail) # Get all users - it should run once only. USERS=$(ionice -c3 /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov -l gaa $DOMAIN | egrep -v "spam\.|ham\.|galsync\.|galsync\@|virus-quarantine") #Todays date, in seconds: DATE=$(date +%s) # Iterate through them in for loop: for USER in $USERS do # When was the password set? USERINFO=$(ionice -c3 /opt/zimbra/bin/zmprov ga "$USER") PASS_SET_DATE=$(echo "$USERINFO" | grep zimbraPasswordModifiedTime: | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -c 1-8) PASS_MAX_AGE=$(echo "$USERINFO" | grep "zimbraPasswordMaxAge:" | cut -d " " -f 2) NAME=$(echo "$USERINFO" | grep givenName | cut -d " " -f 2) # Check if we have set the account to no-expire if [[ "$PASS_MAX_AGE" -eq "0" ]] then continue fi # Make the date for expiry from now. EXPIRES=$(date -d "$PASS_SET_DATE $PASS_MAX_AGE days" +%s) # Now, how many days until that? DEADLINE=$(( (($DATE - $EXPIRES)) / -86400 )) # Email to send to victims, ahem - users... SUBJECT="$NAME - Your Password will expire in $DEADLINE days" BODY=" Hi $NAME, Your Zimbra e-mail account password will expire in $DEADLINE days, Please reset your password soon. You can change your password in the Zimbra Web Client by clicking Preferences -> Change Password. If you are seeing this message in any other mail client, click here to open the ZWC: $URL Thanks, Your Zimbra Admin Team " # Send it off depending on days, adding verbose statements for the 'log' # First warning if [[ "$DEADLINE" -eq "$FIRST" ]] then echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" "$BODY" | $SENDMAIL -f "$FROM" "$USER" echo "Reminder email sent to: $USER - $DEADLINE days left" # Second elif [[ "$DEADLINE" -eq "$SECOND" ]] then echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" "$BODY" | $SENDMAIL -f "$FROM" "$USER" echo "Reminder email sent to: $USER - $DEADLINE days left" # Third elif [[ "$DEADLINE" -eq "$LAST" ]] then echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" "$BODY" | $SENDMAIL -f "$FROM" "$USER" echo "Reminder email sent to: $USER - $DEADLINE days left" # Final elif [[ "$DEADLINE" -eq "1" ]] then echo "Subject: $SUBJECT" "$BODY" | $SENDMAIL -f "$FROM" "$USER" echo "Last chance for: $USER - $DEADLINE days left" # Check for Expired accounts, get last logon date add them to EXP_LIST2 #elif [[ "$DEADLINE" -lt "0" ]] && [ "$(date +%a)" = "Mon" ] elif [[ "$DEADLINE" -lt "0" ]] then LASTDATE=$(echo "$USERINFO" | grep zimbraLastLogonTimestamp | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -c 1-8) LOGON=$(date -d "$LASTDATE") EXP_LIST=$(echo "$USER's password has been expired for ${DEADLINE#-} day(s) now, last logon was $LOGON.") EXP_LIST2="$EXP_LIST2 \n $EXP_LIST" else # > /dev/null for less verbose logs and a list of users. echo "Account: $USER reports; $DEADLINE days on Password policy" fi # Finish for loop done echo "" echo "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" # Send off list using hardcoded email addresses. EXP_BODY=" Hello Admin team, List of expired passwords and their last recorded login date: $(echo -e "$EXP_LIST2") -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Log file: $(cat /tmp/passpoll.log) " echo "Subject: List of accounts with expired passwords" "$EXP_BODY" | $SENDMAIL -f "$FROM" "$ADMIN_RECIPIENT" # Expired accts, for the log: echo -e "$EXP_LIST2" echo "finished in $SECONDS seconds" echo "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"