====== Zimbra Firewall ====== FIXME This page could probably use a review and updating. **Zimbra IP Ports Used**: http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Ports **Test Your Firewall**: http://scanme.firebind.com/applet.html :!: Make sure your Zimbra server is working well before implementing a firewall. Suspect the firewall if something stops working or isn't working properly. ===== IPTABLES ===== http://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Firewall_Configuration :!: Clustering requires additional ports. :!: This example was from an older CentOS installation. iptables -F #Flush current rules iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT #SSH iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT #SMTP iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT #HTTP (for webmail) iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 110 -j ACCEPT #POP3 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 143 -j ACCEPT #IMAP iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT #HTTPS iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 465 -j ACCEPT #SMTPS iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 587 -j ACCEPT #MSA (submission) iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 993 -j ACCEPT #IMAPS iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 995 -j ACCEPT #POP3S iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 7071 -j ACCEPT #Port for ZCS Web Administration /etc/init.d/iptables save #Rules persist after reboot ===== CSF ===== See also **[[networking:firewall:csf|ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF)]]** http://syslint.com/syslint/how-to-configure-zimbra-csf-the-best-zimbra-firewall-configuration/ :!: Reload or restart CSF and LFD for changes to be activated (''csf -ra''). ==== Postfix ==== **RegEx Tester**: https://www.regex101.com/ **Reference**: https://cloudpro.zone/index.php/2018/03/28/csf-lfd-regular-expressions/ Zimbra uses Postfix and Postfix is not directly supported by CSF, so we have to use a custom regex for LFD (log failure daemon). Note that the Postfix log format seems to change infrequently, so your custom regex may only work until the next log format change. Consider these lines clipped from ''/var/log/mail.log'': Oct 2 08:18:04 zimbra3 postfix/submission/smtpd[3670673]: warning: unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure Oct 5 14:27:13 zimbra3 postfix/smtps/smtpd[3656293]: warning: unknown[]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure Add a custom RegEx to detect authentication failures (5 failures, block ports 25 and 587, for 3600 seconds/1 hour): vim /usr/local/csf/bin/regex.custom.pm Insert in the middle, between the comments: if (($lgfile eq $config{CUSTOM1_LOG}) and ($line =~ /^\S+\s+\d+\s+\S+ .* postfix\/s.*\/smtpd\[\d+\]: warning: .*\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]: SASL (LOGIN|PLAIN|login) authentication failed.*/)) { return ("Failed SASL login from",$1,"mysaslmatch","5","25,587","3600"); } :!: Group 1 ($1) matches the offending IP address. Now, edit the CSF configuration to tell it to monitor the proper log file for the new RegEx: vim /etc/csf/csf.conf Change: CUSTOM1_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" ==== csf.allow ==== :!: This example is for Ubuntu 20.04 and Zimbra 9. ############################################################################### # Copyright 2006-2014, Way to the Web Limited # URL: http://www.configserver.com # Email: sales@waytotheweb.com ############################################################################### # The following IP addresses will be allowed through iptables. # One IP address per line. # CIDR addressing allowed with a quaded IP (e.g. # Only list IP addresses, not domain names (they will be ignored) # # Advanced port+ip filtering allowed with the following format # tcp/udp|in/out|s/d=port|s/d=ip # See readme.txt for more information # # Note: IP addressess listed in this file will NOT be ignored by lfd, so they # can still be blocked. If you do not want lfd to block an IP address you must # add it to csf.ignore # LAN network address # NFS backup server # Manually allowed # Manually allowed 49.312.33.99 # Manually allowed tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers tcp|in|d=25|s= # Spam Filter Servers udp|out|d=53|| # Outbound DNS query with random source port # Zimbra Zextras Docs Server tcp|in|d=389|s= # Allow LDAP from Zimbra Zextras Docs tcp|in|d=8443|s= # Allow from Zimbra Zextras Docs tcp|out|d=9980|d= # Allow to Zimbra Zextras Docs # LDAP Testing tcp|in|d=389|s= # Allow LDAP from a workstation ==== csf.pignore ==== :!: This example is for Ubuntu 20.04 with Zimbra 9. These entries will minimize Process Tracking false alerts (entries for multiple Zimbra versions): ############################################################################### # Copyright 2006-2014, Way to the Web Limited # URL: http://www.configserver.com # Email: sales@waytotheweb.com ############################################################################### # The following is a list of executables (exe) command lines (cmd) and # usernames (user) that lfd process tracking will ignore. # # You must use the following format: # # exe:/full/path/to/file # user:username # cmd:command line # # Or, perl regular expression matching (regex): # # pexe:/full/path/to/file as a perl regex[*] # puser:username as a perl regex[*] # pcmd:command line as a perl regex[*] # # [*]You must remember to escape characters correctly when using regex's, e.g.: # pexe:/home/.*/public_html/cgi-bin/script\.cgi # puser:bob\d.* # pcmd:/home/.*/command\s\to\smatch\s\.pl\s.* # # It is strongly recommended that you use command line ignores very carefully # as any process can change what is reported to the OS. # # For more information see readme.txt exe:/usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/pop3d exe:/usr/lib/courier-imap/bin/imapd exe:/usr/sbin/pure-ftpd exe:/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd exe:/usr/sbin/sshd exe:/usr/sbin/proftpd exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3 exe:/usr/sbin/named exe:/usr/sbin/ntpd exe:/bin/dbus-daemon exe:/usr/sbin/ntpd exe:/usr/sbin/exim4 exe:/sbin/ntpd exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3 exe:/usr/libexec/dovecot/imap exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/pop3 exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap exe:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-login exe:/usr/lib/postfix/sbin/error exe:/usr/lib/apt/methods/http exe:/usr/sbin/rpcbind exe:/usr/sbin/rpc.statd exe:/usr/sbin/chronyd exe:/usr/bin/lsmd exe:/usr/bin/dbus-daemon exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/smtp exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/proxymap exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/smtpd exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/postscreen exe:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/showq exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/trivial-rewrite exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/anvil exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/tlsmgr exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/qmgr exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/pickup exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/cleanup exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/bounce exe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/scache cmd:/usr/bin/vmstat -n -S K 30 cmd:/usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmloggerctl status norewrite cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmconfigdctl start norewrite cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmopendkimctl status norewrite cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmstorectl status norewrite cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogger cmd:zmlogger: zmrrdfetch: server cmd:lmtp -t unix -u cmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -version cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogprocess cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status cmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog cmd:/usr/bin/python -S /usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/zimbramon/bin/sa-update -v --allowplugins --refreshmirrors cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/common/bin/sa-update -v --allowplugins --refreshmirrors cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/httpd -k start -f /opt/zimbra/conf/httpd.conf cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/clamd --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/clamd.conf cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-services msg-forwarder cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-services childproc-minder cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-services snmp-responder cmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis-mc cmd:nginx: worker process cmd:nginx: master process /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/nginx -c /opt/zimbra/conf/nginx.conf cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/unbound cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/mdb_stat -e /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/mdb/db cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/slapd -l LOCAL0 -u zimbra -h ldap://zimbra.virtualarchitects.com:389 ldapi:/// -F /opt/zimbra/data/ldap/config cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/saslauthd -r -a zimbra cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/opendkim -x /opt/zimbra/conf/opendkim.conf -u zimbra cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/scache cmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java -version cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmhostname cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfig -m nokey zimbra_server_hostname cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantispamctl status cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmilterctl status cmd:/usr/bin/redis-server cmd:/usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE cmd:(sd-pam) cmd:/usr/sbin/atd -f cmd:/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd cmd:/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd cmd:/lib/systemd/systemd --user cmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmtactl status norewrite pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/auditswatch.* pcmd:sh -c /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantivirusctl.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantivirusctl.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/libexec/sa-learn.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmjava.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmlocalconfi.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmdailyreport.* pcmd:/bin/bash -c /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmlogprocess.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zxsuite backup.* pcmd:sh -c /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantispamct.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmantispamct.* pcmd:/usr/bin/iostat -d -k.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -w /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstat-.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -T -w /opt/zimbra/common/bin/sa-lear.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl -T /opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavisd -X no_conf_file_writable_check.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/libexec/logswatch --config-file=/opt/zimbra.* pcmd:/bin/sh /opt/zimbra/common/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/opt.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/mysqld --defaults-file=/opt.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/amavis.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -client -Xmx256m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -client -Xmx256m -Dzimbra.home=/opt/zimbra.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -Djava.awt.headless=true.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/java/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zimbra/lib/jars.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/java/bin/java -XX:ErrorFile.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/openjdk-11.0.2-zimbra/bin/java.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/libexec/swatch --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/swatchrc.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/data/tmp/.swatch_script.* pcmd:/bin/bash /opt/zimbra/bin/zmconfigdctl .* pcmd:/bin/bash -c /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmstatuslog .* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/data/tmp/.swatchdog_scrip.* pcmd:/usr/bin/perl /opt/zimbra/common/bin/swatchdog.* pcmd:/bin/bash -c find /opt/zimbra.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/swatchdog --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/logswatchrc.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/rotatelogs /opt/zimbra/log/httpd.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/freshclam --config-file=/opt/zimbra/conf/freshclam.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/keytool -export -file /opt/zimbra/mailboxd/etc/mailboxd.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java -client -cp /opt/zimbra/lib/jars/zimbracommon.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -D.* pcmd:/opt/zimbra/common/bin/memcached -d -P /opt/zimbra/log/memcached.pid.* pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/lmtp pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/smtpd pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/proxymap pexe:/opt/zimbra/httpd-.*/bin/rotatelogs pexe:/opt/zimbra/httpd-.*/bin/httpd pexe:/opt/zimbra/cyrus-sasl-.*/sbin/saslauthd pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/showq pexe:/opt/zimbra/unbound-.*/sbin/unbound pexe:/opt/zimbra/memcached-.*/bin/memcached pexe:/opt/zimbra/clamav-.*/sbin/clamd pexe:/opt/zimbra/openldap-.*/sbin/slapd pexe:/opt/zimbra/nginx-.*/sbin/nginx pexe:/opt/zimbra/postfix-.*/libexec/smtp pexe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/smtp.* pexe:/opt/zimbra/common/lib/jvm/openjdk-.* pexe:/opt/zimbra/common/libexec/slapd.* ==== csf.conf ==== Use this command to compare stock and modified ''csf.conf'' files: diff --unchanged-line-format= --old-line-format= --new-line-format='%L' /usr/local/csf/profiles/reset_to_defaults.conf /etc/csf/csf.conf | grep -v \# :!: This example is for Ubuntu 20.04 with Zimbra 9. TESTING = "0" RESTRICT_SYSLOG = "3" TCP_IN = "20,21,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071,10000:10010,20000,24441,59000:59999" TCP_OUT = "22,25,53,80,110,113,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071,9980" UDP_IN = "53,123" UDP_OUT = "53,113,123,33434:33523" ICMP_IN_RATE = "0" IPV6 = "1" TCP6_IN = "20,21,25,53,80,110,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071,10000:10010,20000,24441,59000:59999" TCP6_OUT = "22,53,80,110,113,143,443,465,587,993,995,2222,7071" UDP6_IN = "53,123" UDP6_OUT = "53,113,123,33434:33523" SYSLOG_CHECK = "600" DENY_IP_LIMIT = "5000" DENY_TEMP_IP_LIMIT = "1000" LF_IPSET = "1" STYLE_CUSTOM = "1" SMTP_ALLOWUSER = "" CONNLIMIT = "80;60,110;10,143;10,443;60,465;10,587;10,993;10,995;10" PORTFLOOD = "80;tcp;70;5,110;tcp;20;5,143;tcp;20;5,443;tcp;70;5,465;tcp;20;5,587;tcp;20;5,993;tcp;20;5,995;tcp;20;5" UDPFLOOD_ALLOWUSER = "named,zimbra" DROP_IP_LOGGING = "1" DROP_NOLOG = "67,68,111,113,135:139,445,500,513,520,5678" DROP_PF_LOGGING = "1" CONNLIMIT_LOGGING = "1" LF_PERMBLOCK_COUNT = "2" LF_PERMBLOCK_ALERT = "0" LF_NETBLOCK = "1" LF_NETBLOCK_COUNT = "2" LF_NETBLOCK_ALERT = "0" SAFECHAINUPDATE = "1" DYNDNS = "600" MM_LICENSE_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" CC_SRC = "1" CC_DENY = "RU,BY,CN,AF" CC_DENY_PORTS_TCP = "21,22,110,143,587,993,995,2222" CC_DENY_PORTS_UDP = "5060,5061,10000:20000" CC_INTERVAL = "7" LF_SELECT = "1" LF_EMAIL_ALERT = "0" LF_SSHD_PERM = "600" LF_FTPD_PERM = "600" LF_SMTPAUTH_PERM = "600" LF_POP3D = "5" LF_POP3D_PERM = "600" LF_IMAPD = "5" LF_HTACCESS_PERM = "600" LF_MODSEC_PERM = "600" LF_BIND = "100" LF_BIND_PERM = "600" LF_SUHOSIN = "5" LF_SUHOSIN_PERM = "600" LF_CXS = "1" LF_WEBMIN = "10" LF_WEBMIN_PERM = "600" LF_APACHE_404 = "100" LF_APACHE_403 = "100" LF_APACHE_401_PERM = "3600" LF_MODSECIPDB_ALERT = "0" LF_MODSECIPDB_FILE = "/var/run/modsecurity/data/ip.pag" LF_DISTATTACK = "1" LF_DISTFTP = "5" LF_DISTSMTP = "5" LT_POP3D = "65" LT_IMAPD = "100" LT_SKIPPERMBLOCK = "1" CT_LIMIT = "300" PT_USERMEM = "200" PT_USERRSS = "200" PT_APACHESTATUS = "" MESSENGER_HTTPS_CONF = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf" MESSENGER_HTTPS_KEY = "/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key" MESSENGER_HTTPS_CRT = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt" MESSENGER_HTTPS_IN = "" MESSENGER_CHILDREN = "10" MESSENGERV3LOCATION = "/etc/httpd/conf.d/" MESSENGERV3RESTART = "service httpd restart" MESSENGERV3HTTPS_CONF = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" MESSENGERV3GROUP = "apache" CLUSTER_SENDTO = ",,,,,,,," CLUSTER_RECVFROM = ",,,,,,,," CLUSTER_MASTER = "" CLUSTER_KEY = "MyLFDClusterKey" CLUSTER_CONFIG = "1" ST_SYSTEM = "0" IPTABLES = "/usr/sbin/iptables" IPTABLES_SAVE = "/usr/sbin/iptables-save" IPTABLES_RESTORE = "/usr/sbin/iptables-restore" IP6TABLES_SAVE = "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-save" IP6TABLES_RESTORE = "/usr/sbin/ip6tables-restore" MODPROBE = "/usr/sbin/modprobe" IFCONFIG = "/usr/sbin/ifconfig" SENDMAIL = "/opt/zimbra/common/sbin/sendmail" PS = "/usr/bin/ps" NETSTAT = "/usr/bin/netstat" LS = "/usr/bin/ls" TAR = "/usr/bin/tar" GUNZIP = "/usr/bin/gunzip" DD = "/usr/bin/dd" GREP = "/usr/bin/grep" IP = "/usr/sbin/ip" HTACCESS_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error_log" MODSEC_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error_log" SSHD_LOG = "/var/log/auth.log" SU_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" FTPD_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" SMTPAUTH_LOG = "/var/log/secure" POP3D_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" IMAPD_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" IPTABLES_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" SUHOSIN_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" BIND_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" SYSLOG_LOG = "/var/log/syslog" WEBMIN_LOG = "/var/log/auth.log" CUSTOM1_LOG = "/var/log/mail.log" PORTS_pop3d = "25,110,143,465,587,993,995" PORTS_imapd = "25,110,143,465,587,993,995" PORTS_sshd = "22,2222" GENERIC = "1"