====== Install the Nextcloud Desktop Client ====== **Download**: https://nextcloud.com/install/ The Desktop Client provides integration of the Nextcloud cloud storage into your desktop file manager making it very easy for users to use their cloud storage. ===== Windows ===== Double-click the installer file you downloaded from the above link. :!: You will need admin privileges to install the software. {{ :internet:storage:nextcloud_installer_downloaded.png?750 |Double-Click the Installer to Begin}} ---- {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_first_run.png?400 |Installer Running}} {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_installer_defaults.png?400 |Install to Default Location}} ---- {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_installer_install.png?400 |Proceed With Install}} {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_installer_admin.png?400 |Enter Admin Credentials If Needed}} ---- {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_installer_finished.png?400 |Installer Finished}} {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_installer_restart_required.png?400 |Restart Prompt - WAIT!}} ---- {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_first_run.png?400 |Nextcloud First Run}} {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_first_run_server.png?400 |Enter the Server Name}} ---- {{ :internet:storage:nextcloud_first_run_switch_to_browser.png?750 |You Will Be Redirected to a Browser To Authenticate}} To speed up the initial sync, **deselect everything** in the next step. You can easily modify this later after the initial sync completes. This mostly only matters if you have a lot of cloud data. {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_first_run_choose.png?400 |Choose What to Sync Locally}} {{:internet:storage:nextcloud_first_run_deselect.png?400 |Deselect All Folders At First}} ----