====== Windows Core (No GUI) ======
See also **[[https://www.sonoracomm.com/wiki/doku.php?do=search&id=hyper-v|more Hyper-V pages]]**
===== List Volumes (Drive Letters) =====
wmic logicaldisk get name
===== Dismount a USB Flash Drive =====
==== fsutil ====
fsutil volume dismount VolumePathname
==== diskpart ====
Safely remove a USB disk from a windows server core installation:
- On command prompt type ''diskpart''
- At the ''diskpart'' prompt, type ''list volume'' noting the number of your desired volume
- Type ''select volume x'' where 'x' is your USB storage device number
- Then type ''remove all dismount'' and press 'enter'
- Type ''exit'' to leave ''diskpart''
===== GUI Configuration Tools for Windows Core Installations =====
Windows 2008: http://coreconfig.codeplex.com/
Windows 2012: http://corefig.codeplex.com/
:!: This tool can only be run from the console of the system to be managed.
- At a command prompt, switch to the folder that you created in step 3 of the installation instructions:
* ''CD /D C:\Corefig''
- For the first run, run:
* ''CSCRIPT Start_corefig.wsf''
- You may use the ''Start_corefig'' script on each run, but on successive runs you could use the following instead: