====== Microsoft SQL Database Restore ====== https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/restore-a-database-backup-using-ssms https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/restore-a-transaction-log-backup-sql-server ===== Ahsay or Other Backup Software ===== **Restore the database and transaction log files** for the point in time you want to restore. Restore the files to a **temporary local disk drive location**, suck as ''C:\Temp''. ===== MSSQL Management Studio ===== We'll use **Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio** to restore the database. {{ :computing:windows:mssql_restore_using_mssms.png?direct&750 |Select the backup files in the temporary disk location}} {{:computing:windows:mssql_restore_using_mssms_connect.png?direct&300|In MSSMS, connect to the server instance}} {{:computing:windows:mssql_restore_using_mssms_options.png?direct&600|In the Options tab, we select to overwrite the database in this case}}