====== Microsoft SQL Server Backup ======
**SQL Backup Background**: https://wiki.ahsay.com/doku.php?id=public:microsoft_sql_database
**Download SQL Server Management Studio**: https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/mt238290.aspx
In general, it is **simpler and easier to restore a complete backup** (single file) than a differential or log backup (multiple file). If your backup window and storage permit, you might choose to implement full, complete, single file backups every night.
===== Database Restore =====
**[[https://blog.sqlauthority.com/2010/03/21/sql-server-fix-error-3117-the-log-or-differential-backup-cannot-be-restored-because-no-files-are-ready-to-rollforward |Log vs. Differential Restores]]**
Many MSSQL backup systems (like Ahsay) **will only restore the files required for you to perform the actual database recovery**.
It is convenient to use the **Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio** to perform the actual database recovery.
When performing a recovery, it is important to **order the files properly** for a successful recovery.
==== MSSQL Management Studio ====
**Restore a Database Backup Using SSMS**: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/restore-a-database-backup-using-ssms?view=sql-server-ver15
==== Transact-SQL ====
|RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM full_database_backup WITH NORECOVERY |complete database backup |
|RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM differential_backup WITH NORECOVERY |differential database backup |
|RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM log_backup WITH NORECOVERY |oldest log backup |
|RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM log_backup WITH NORECOVERY |next chronological log backup |
|... |in chronological order |
|RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM log_backup WITH NORECOVERY |last log backup |
|RESTORE DATABASE database_name WITH RECOVERY |recover the database |
===== Database Recovery Models =====
==== Script ====
Set all databases to the FULL recovery model. Replace the three occurrences of "full" with "simple" if desired.
USE master
-- Declare a variable to store the value [database name] returned by FETCH.
DECLARE @dbname sysname, @cmd varchar(1000)
-- Declare a cursor to iterate through the list of databases
DECLARE db_recovery_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT name from sysdatabases
-- Open the cursor
OPEN db_recovery_cursor
-- Perform the first fetch and store the value in a variable.
FETCH NEXT FROM db_recovery_cursor INTO @dbname
-- loop through cursor until no more records fetched
IF (SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@dbname,'RECOVERY')) <> 'full' and @dbName <> 'tempdb' BEGIN
-- create the alter database command for each database
SET @cmd = 'ALTER DATABASE "' + @dbname + '" SET RECOVERY full'
-- alter each database setting the recovery model to full
PRINT @dbname
FETCH NEXT FROM db_recovery_cursor INTO @dbname
-- close the cursor and deallocate memory used by cursor
CLOSE db_recovery_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_recovery_cursor