====== Synology SSL Certificate ====== ===== LetsEncrypt ===== https://synoguide.com/2016/04/14/secure-your-synology-with-https-ssl-certificate-from-lets-encrypt/ - Create a DNS A record which points to your external IP address. - Forward ports 80 and 443 from you router to the internal IP address of your Synology NAS. - Enable the Web Station package using the Package Center. * You don’t have to enable any options in the settings screen of Web Station. ==== Install the Cert ==== **Control Panel –> Security -> Certificate (tab) -> Add** * **Add a new certificate** * **Get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt** * **Set as default certificate** * Enter the **hostname** matching the DNS A record and your **valid e-mail address** * Enter any SANs, if you need them...probably not Once the new certificate has been created, select it and click **Configure**. Set all services to use the new LetsEncrypt certificate. :!: The certificate will auto-renew.