====== Burn CD or DVD from Command Line ====== http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialCDBurn.html http://www.debuntu.org/2006/06/03/61-how-to-burn-dvds-from-the-command-line http://www.andrews-corner.org/burning.html ===== DVD ===== ==== Detect Drive ==== dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd which growisofs If it's not installed: sudo apt-get install dvd+rw-tools cdrecord -scanbus ==== Burn an ISO Image ==== Limit the speed with '-speed=1' for uncertain media. growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=1 -Z /dev/dvd=Downloads/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso ===== CD ===== ==== Detect Drive ==== cdrecord -scanbus or wodim --devices ==== Burn ISO Image ==== cdrecord -v dev=3,0,0 Desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso or wodim -eject -tao speed=2 dev=/dev/scd0 -v -data Desktop/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso '''speed=4''' is faster. Try '''speed=0''' if problems.