====== Max RemoteManagement - Installation Failure ====== ===== Take Control Installation Failed ===== https://documentation.n-able.com/remote-management/troubleshooting/Content/kb/Take-Control-N-able-How-to-clean-install-the-agent.htm :!: Some of these steps may apply to other MaxRM components. ==== Preparation ==== :!: In the following instructions, substitute ''C:\Program Files (x86)'' if the target system is **64bit**. - From ''services.msc'', **stop** ''Advanced Monitoring Agent'' service - From **Task Manager**, show **All Processes for All Users** - **Stop** all ''Advance.tmp'' and ''Advance*32'' processes - **Delete** ''Advanced.tmp'' (or just ''Advanced'') from ''C:\Program Files'' and ''C:\Program Files (x86)'' - **Edit** ''settings.ini'' - Open **Notepad** as **Administrator** - Browse to: ''C:\Program Files\Advanced Monitoring Agent'' (''GP'' if Group Policy) - Open ''settings.ini'' - Change drop-down from ''*.txt'' to ''All Files'' - Find ''[TAKECONTROL]'' - Change ''REINSTALL_REQUIRED=0'' to ''REINSTALL_REQUIRED=1'' - Change ''INSTALL_ERROR_COUNT=3'' to ''INSTALL_ERROR_COUNT=0'' - Save ''Settings.ini'' - **Restart** ''Advanced Monitoring Agent'' service ==== Perform a Clean Install ==== - Uninstall any/all copies of TeamViewer from the target system - This can be done with 'Add/Remove Programs' - From the MaxRM Dashboard, disable Take Control on the device - Double click the device - Select Remote Access - Change Setting: to Off - Select OK - Monitor the Summary tab to see when Take Control changes from Active to Not Installed * If you have access to the device, you can speed up this process by opening up the Advanced Monitoring Agent console and selecting 'Re-run checks' against the 24x7 or Daily safety checks. - Verify neither TeamViewer nor Take Control Viewer is listed under Add/Remove Programs - Delete ''takecontrol_xx_setup.exe'' from machine: * 32 bit: ''C:\Program Files\Advanced Monitoring Agent\featureres'' * 64 bit: ''C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent\featureres'' - Delete registry folders: * ''hkcu/software/teamviewer'' * ''hklm/software/teamviewer'' * ''hkcu/software/TakeControl'' * ''hklm/software/TakeControl'' * ''hkcu/software/Wow6432node/teamviewer'' * ''hklm/software/Wow6432node/teamviewer'' * ''hkcu/software/Wow6432node/TakeControl'' * ''hklm/software/Wow6432node/TakeControl'' - From the MaxRM Dashboard re-enable Take Control on the device - Double click the name of the device - Select Remote Access > change Setting: to Use Policy Setting (On) or On and select OK - Monitor the Summary tab to see when Take Control changes from Not Installed to Active * If you have access to the device, you can speed up this process by opening up the Advanced Monitoring Agent console and selecting 'Re-run checks' against the 24x7 or Daily safety checks.