====== TeamViewer ====== Login: https://login.teamviewer.com/ Home: http://www.teamviewer.com Download: https://www.teamviewer.com/en-us/download/windows/ ===== Linux ===== :!: If upgrading, it's best to uninstall the old version first. ==== Fedora ==== sudo rpm -e teamviewer7 sudo rpm -Uvh http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.rpm === Automatic Startup on Fedora === sudo cp -r /opt/teamviewer8/tv_bin/script/teamviewerd.service /lib/systemd/system/ sudo service teamviewerd start sudo systemctl enable teamviewerd.service ==== Ubuntu ==== wget http://download.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux_x64.deb dpkg -i teamviewer_linux_x64.deb ===== Customization ===== quick_support_270x100.jpg host_support_480x100.jpg Text color: #3a173f Background color: #cccccc ==== Disclaimer ==== Sonora Communications, Inc. uses every precaution to protect your valuable data. However, there are unforseen circumstances beyond our control. For that reason Sonora Communications, Inc. is not responsible for any data loss, hardware damage, software damage or work time lost during this remote control session. ===== Windows UAC issue Quicksupport ===== https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Controlling-the-UAC-on-remote-Windows-PC/ta-p/25595 When using QuickSupport connected to a Windows PC without Admin rights any action that brings up UAC will stop control of the remote PC. The fix is using Admin Windows credentials instead of TeamViewer credentials to login. How to connect using Windows Authentication: - Start TeamViewer on your computer. - Ask your partner to start TeamViewer or TeamViewer QuickSupport on his computer. - Ask your partner for his TeamViewer ID shown in the TeamViewer application. - Select the option Remote support and enter your partner's TeamViewer ID in the field Partner ID (Windows authentication can be used for all other connection modes as well). - Click on Connect to Partner. - Click on Advanced. The dialogue displays advanced settings. - In the drop-down field, set the authentication method to Windows. - Enter your Windows (Admin) login, the domain (if used) and the Windows password. - Click on Log On. - The end user will need to click **Yes** on UAC pop up. - TeamViewer on the **remote PC** will restart. - Click Connect again and use the **Advanced** option to login with local Admin credentials Now you will be able to see and control UAC messages.