====== Ahsay Backup Restore ======
===== Fastest Restore for Large Backups =====
For **any large restore**, go to the datacenter and copy the files to a portable hard drive while **directly connected to the OBS backup server** using the fastest drive/interface available!
Connect a large and fast portable hard drive. USB3 or eSATA is preferable.
Use ''rsync'' to copy the Ahsay backup user's home directory to the portable drive.
==== Linux Destination Host ====
Format and prepare the hard drive as EXT3.
=== Remote ===
This example command shows usage on a remote (from OBS) workstation PC using a **non-standard SSH port** and **compression to improve speed** over a WAN link:
rsync -avrz -e 'ssh -p 2222' --progress root@obs.domain.tld:/opt/obs/user/ /media/myusername/250GB-USB/
Omit this section for the standard SSH port 22: -e 'ssh -p 2222'
=== Local (OBS) ===
rsync -avr --progress /opt/obs/user/ /mnt/250GB-USB/
==== Restore the Files ====
Use the Decrypt Files Wizard from the OBM\ACB program.
Locate the path to the files, select the ''$BACKUPUSERNAME\files'' folder and you should be able to restore from there.