====== Ahsay Backup with Multiple Machines per Account ======
See also **[[https://www.sonoracomm.com/wiki/doku.php?do=search&id=ahsay|Other Ahsay pages in this wiki]]**
See also: **[[computing:backup:ahsay_obs|Ahsay Backup]]**
See also: **[[computing:backup:ahsay_licensing|Ahsay Licensing]]**
When you install the Ahsay backup client (ACB or OBM), be sure to **install as the desired backup administrator user** and also be sure to select ''For me only'' to only create Start Menu entries for the desired backup administrator user.
When **running the Ahsay client interface, always do so as the desired backup administrator user** to avoid creating additional confusion and missed backups. We generally **use the domain administrator account for the primary domain controller** and the **local administrator accounts for all other machines**.
===== OBM Client =====
With OBM clients, just use the same Ahsay account credentials on each backup client machine.
Each backup job will specify which machine it is to run on.
:!: Do not use the same domain account (roaming profile) for all backups. We suggest using the domain admin account for the main file server and then use local admin accounts to back up all the other servers.
===== ACB Client =====
With ACB clients, you cannot back up multiple machines to the same Ahsay account.
An alternative would be to create multiple Ahsay backup accounts with similar names so that they are listed together in the OBS web interface. Something like:
===== Notes =====
You can use a single AhsayOBM account for backup of multiple machines. However, while there may be advantages of using a single account for multiple machines, there are also disadvantages of doing so.
==== Advantages ====
- You require less backup accounts
- You can use one username and password to configure the backup setting for all Backup Sets
=== Disadvantages ===
- You must use different backup sets for different computers
- Improper configuration could easily cause problems, which are difficult to debug
There are also other threads on the forum where partners had discussed the same issue in the past: